International Symposium in honor of Prof. David A. Shirley


From the Forefront of Physical Chemistry to Accelerator-based Light Sources


Berlin, Friday, July 4th, 2014

Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin-Dahlem















This page “Talks” provides access to texts of the lectures given at the Symposium, including the Welcome Address by Department Chairman Robert Bittl and the laudatio given by Joachim Stöhr.



      The following files are available for viewing or download


Robert Bittl, Department Chairman, Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universität Berlin: Welcome Address

William Brewer, Freie Universität Berlin: Scientific Beginnings: From Low-Temperature Physics and Chemistry to Hyperfine Interactions

Heinz Haas, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland: Quadrupole Interaction: From Theoretical Chemistry to Nuclear Physics – and Back

Charles S. Fadley, University of California at Davis, CA, USA and ALS: XPS – from the Field-Free Laboratory to Free Electron Lasers

Sefik Süzer, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey: XPS for Chemical and Charge-Sensitive Analyses

Zahid Hussain, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA: Opportunities for Energy Science with soft X-Rays from the Advanced Light Source

Serguei Molodtsov/Robert Carley, European XFEL, Hamburg: New Dimensions for Time- and Angle-Resolved XPS at the European XFEL

Joachim Stöhr, Stanford University and LCLS/SNAL, CA, USA: Laudatio




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Last modified: 16.12.2014, WDB