International Symposium in honor of Prof. David A. Shirley


From the Forefront of Physical Chemistry to Accelerator-based Light Sources



Berlin, Friday, July 4th, 2014

Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin-Dahlem















This page leads to photos taken during the Symposium, the Evening Talk and the following gathering, as well as relevant photos from other sources.  Clicking on the thumbnail version opens the full picture, which may be downloaded if desired using the ‘open in new window’ option (arrow at upper right). 


If anyone has additional photos that they would like to contribute, please send them to one of the organizers and they will be added to this page!


Thanks to Jim Huntzicker, Roger Pollak, and Nick and Jirina Stone for contributing pictures!



Pictures of the Symposium


Pictures of the Evening Talk and Gathering


Other photos from Shirley alumni


-   Meeting of the Easleys, Edelsteins, Huntzickers, Rosenblums

    in Oregon, August 2014

-  Outing to Potsdam/Neues Palais on July 3rd, 2014 with the Shirleys, Günter Kaindl, Roger Pollak (Photos by Roger)

-  Dinner at the Ständige Vertretung, Berlin-Mitte, July 3rd, 2014;       Shirleys, Stones, Süzers, Bill Brewer, Lothar Ley, Roger Pollak


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Last modified: 20.12.2014, WDB