International Symposium in honor of Prof. David A. Shirley


From the Forefront of Physical Chemistry to Accelerator-based Light Sources



Berlin, Friday, July 4th, 2014

Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin-Dahlem













            Graphics and Tables


This page provides access to the poster and flyer for the Symposium, the program and list of attendees, as well as the list of Shirley alumni and the invitations to the Evening Talk and the following dinner, and the ‘Notes to Dave’.  They are presented as pdf files and may be downloaded for private purposes (souvenirs!).



   The following materials are available for viewing or download


   From the Symposium on July 4th, 2014:





             List of invitees   and participants

             List of alumni    of the Shirley Group

             Notes to Dave    from some former group members and associates


From the Evening Talk and Gathering on July 4th, 2014:


             Invitation to the Evening Talk

             Invitation to the festive gathering following the talk



Return to Homepage of this site



Last modified: 16.12.2014, WDB