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4.4 Variables

Within the VARIABLES, ASSIGNMENTS, PREPARATIONS and EXPERIMENT section variables may be used. Each variable that is used in an EDL script must have been declared previously, i.e. it has to be listed in the VARIABLES section before it may be used. The start of the VARIABLES section is indicated by a line stating


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4.4.1 Variable names

Names of variables (and also of functions) always start with a character, i.e. A-Z or a-z. The remaining part of the variable name can consist of characters, numbers and underscore characters, '_' (if you understand regular expressions, valid names must follow the pattern [A-Za-z][A-Za-z_0-9]*). Thus, 'AbC_12x' and 'aBc_12X' are legal variable names, while '12xy' or '_Yx2' are not. Please note that variable names are case sensitive, i.e. 'XY', 'Xy', 'xY' and 'xy' are all different variables!

There's no built-in upper limit on te length of variable (or function) names, they can, at least in principle, consist of as many characters as you wish (I hope nobody is going to the trouble of creating a variable name with, say, a few hundred thousand characters just to prove me wrong - I tested it only with two variables with names consisting of 10000 characters each and differing only in the last character...)

There are some combinations of characters that can't be used as variable names. First of all, variable names are not allowed to be identical to function names, neither to names of built-in nor device function.

Further, the keywords used by EDL also may not be used as variable names (to make it easier to avoid these, they are all spelled with capitals only). In the appendix you'll find a list of (hopefully) all reserved words.

Finally, some combinations of characters take on a special meaning when they directly follow a number (i.e. with only spaces or tabs between the number and the following character(s)). These are some physical units with or without the characters n (nano), u (micro), m (milli), k (kilo), M (Mega) and G (Giga) (only wave numbers can't be preceeded by such a character). Here's the complete list:

sSeconds (and ns, us, ms, ks, Ms and Gs)
mMeter (and nm, um, mm, km, Mm and Gm)
GGauss (and nG, uG, mG, kG, MG and GG)
TTesla (and nT, uT, mT, kT, MT and GT)
VVolt (and nV, uV, mV, kV, MV and GV)
AAmpere (and nA, uA, mA, kA, MA and GA)
HzHertz (and nHz, uHz, mHz, kHz, MHz and GHz)
KKelvin (and nK, uK, mK, kK, MK and GK)
dBDecibel (and ndB, udB, mdB, kdB, MdB and GdB)
dBmDecibel (and ndBm, udBm, mdBm, kdBm, MdBm and GdBm)
cm^-1wave numbers, i.e. inverse of a cm

Please note that all device functions return values in units of seconds, meters, Gauss, Volts, Amperes, Hertz, Kelvin, dB and cm^-1 or products of these units. While you can use Tesla in the EDL script all functions return values in Gauss!

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4.4.2 Variable types

Variables can be divided into two classes, variables to hold integer values and variables for storing floating point numbers.

Integer variables (on machines with 32-bit processors) can hold data in the interval [-2^31, 2^31 - 1], i.e. they run from -2147483648 all the way up to +2147483647. In contrast, floating point variables can have much larger values (typically up to ca. 10^300), the exact limits depending on the machine fsc2 is running on. The larger range for floating point numbers comes with a price: they have only a limited precision, normally not more than about 14 to 15 digits can be trusted and rounding errors can lead to quite large errors if not used with great care in calculations.

To distinguish between integer and floating point variables the case of the first character of the variables name is important: if the name starts with an upper case letter, i.e. A-Z, it's an integer variable while variables starting with a lower case character, i.e. a-z, are floating point variables. (Actually, changing just one line of fsc2 allows to change to a completely different behavior.)

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4.4.3 Arrays and matrices

Beside `normal' variables you can also use arrays and matrices (i.e. more-dimensional arrays). The names of arrays follow the same convention as that of normal variables, i.e. if an array name starts with an upper case character it's an array consisting of integers only and if it starts with a lower case character it's a floating point array. To define a normal (fixed sized) array in the VARIABLES section just append the sizes of the dimensions of the array, separated by commas, in square brackets. E.g. the lines

F[ 100 ];
b[ 4, 7, 3 ];

define an 1-dimensional array F of 100 integers and a 3-dimensional floating point array b of rank 4x7x3. Indices of arrays start with 1 (like in MathLab and FORTRAN, but this can actually be easily changed if you adjust a single line in the code for fsc2...).

All elements of an arrays are automatically initialized to zero. On the other hand, arrays can also be initialized within the EDL file by equating the array (in the 1-dimensional case) to a list of values, enclosed in curly braces:

C[ 3 ] = { 2, 1, -1 };
d[ 5 ] = { sqrt( 2.0 ), sqrt( 3.0 ) + 1 };

The first line in the example shows the simplest way - each element of the integer array C is initialized by an element from the list. In the second line there are less initializers than the array d has elements, thus only the first two elements are set, i.e. d[1] and d[2], while the remaining elements are automatically set to zero. Besides, you can see that function calls, arithmetic etc. can be used in the initialization.

To initialize more-dimensional arrays you must enclose the 1-dimensional arrays they basically are built up from each in a pair of curly braces, but you also can use an already initialized matrix of a lower dimension. You may also leave out parts of the initialization by using a pair of empty curly braces as an empty set (the dimension of the empty set is recognized automatically, so you won't need empty sets within empty sets).

E[ 3, 4 ] = { { 1, 2, 3 },
              { 4, 5, 6 } };
F[ 2, 3, 4 ] = { { { 1, 2, 3, 4 },
                   { },
                   { 9, 8, 7, 6 },
                   { 3, 5, 7, 9 }
G[ 4, 3, 4 ] = { { },
                 { E[ 3 ], E[ 2 ], E[ 1 ] }

In the last statement of the example sub-arrays of the matrix E are used, e.g. E[3] is the whole third sub-array of E. You also need not to specify as many initializer elements as there are elements in the matrix to be initialized, for missing elements the matrix remains uninitialized.

You can also initialize all elements of an array or a matrix by just equating it to a number:

D[ 3 ] = 1;
f[ 3, 6 ] = sqrt( 42.0 );

This will assign the value 1 to all elements of the array D and the square root of 42 to all 18 elements of the 2-dimensional matrix f.

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4.4.4 Variable sized arrays and matrices

There are some situations where one doesn't know the size of an array in advance, e.g. the size of an array to be used for storing a trace from a digitizer or the size of a 2-dimensional field for a complete picture from a CCD-camera. So declaring the size in advance in the VARIABLES section is harly possible. To handle this kind of situation one can create arrays with sizes that change automatically when required. This is done by specifying a * instead of a number for the size:

M[ * ];
h[ 2, * ];
I[ *, *, * ];

These three statements define a 1-dimensional integer array G with a non-fixed (and still unknown) number of elements, a 2-dimensional floating point matrix h with two rows of unknown length and a 3-dimensional array with all sizes being variable sized.

The only restriction in declaring variable sized matrices is that you can't declare matrices with only the higher dimensions being variable sized but the lower ones being fixed. I.e. the following definition is not possible:

h[ *, 2 ];  /* WRONG! */

The length of the 1-dimensional array M from the above example remains undetermined until a value has been assigned to at least one of the arrays elements. If you assign a value to the 25th element of a previously uninitialized variable length array

M[ 25 ] = 42;

the array will suddenly have 25 elements with the first 24 being set to zero and the 25th set to 42. You can also make the array longer at a later time by assigning a value to an element with an higher index, e.g.

M[ 50 ] = 84;

Now the array has 50 elements, the newly added elements between and including the 26th and 49th element being initialized to zero.

But there's also another way to change the size of the array. You can assign another array to M and in this case the length of M is resized to fit the length of the array you assign to it. E.g. if you had an array defined as

H[ 10 ] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };

and you now assign H to M

M = H;

M will also have 10 elements with the same values as the elements of H.

Some care has to be taken: it is also possible to shrink the length of a variable sized array by assigning another array to it. If M had already been given a length by e.g. assigning a value to its 25th element then assigning it the shorter array H will automatically shorten it to 10 elements and the values stored in the 11th to the 25th element are lost!

To understand how more-dimensional, variable sized arrays work it is probably best to think of them not in terms of matrices but of arrays of arrays (of arrays... etc.). For example, a two-dimensional array like

j[ *, * ];

can be thought of as an array (of still undetermined length) of arrays which also have no length yet (or a length of 0). When you now assign a value to one an element like this

j[ 7, 9 ] = 3.1415927;

the 7th sub-array of j will suddenly spring into existence, having a length of 9 (with all elements of this sub-array except the 9th being initialized to 0.0). But this does not also create other sub-arrays - the 1st to the 6th sub-array are still undefined (having a length of 0).

Only if you assign a value to the elements of one of these other sub-arrays it will spring into existence, e.g. by having

j[ 3, 2 ] = 2.7182818;

Now both the 3rd and the 7th sub-array of j exist - but no others (i.e. the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th sub-array do not exist yet and trying to use a value of one of these sub-arrays will result in an error message). And both these sub-arrays have different lengths, the 3rd sub-array has a length of only 2, while the 7th sub-array has a length of 9.

Of course, the sub-arrays can also be created by assigning another array. E.g.

k[ 3 ] = { -1.0, 0. 1.0 };
j[ 5 ] = k;

will create the 5th sub-array of j with a length of 3 and its values being identical to the ones of the array k. From this example you can also see that sub-arrays of an array can be simply specified by the index of the sub-array, i.e. j[5] stands for the complete 5th sub-array of j (and the k on the right hand side represents the complete array k).

But j can also be set by assigning another 2-dimensional matrix to it.

r[ 3, 2 ] = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 };
j = r;

Since r is a matrix of rank 3x2 after the assignment j will have the same rank (and the elements of j and r will, of course, be identical).

The same, of course, can be done with "matrices" of higher dimensions. If you have a 3-dimensional matrix you can assign numbers to its elements, 1-dimensional arrays to its sub-sub-arrays, 2-dimensional "matrices" to its sub-matrices and, of course, assign a complete 3-dimensional matrix to it.

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