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6.19 Power Supply Functions

Modules for the following power supplies exist:


Thurlby&Thandar PL330DP


F.u.G. Elektronik GmbH MCN700-2000

To use a module in an experiment put its name into the DEVICES section of the EDL script.

List of power supply functions:


Descriptions of power supply functions:


Returns a string with the name of the power supply being used.


This function exists only for the Thurlby&Thandar power supply and allows to switch the channels of the power supply on or off. It requires two arguments. The first one is the channel, which must be either CH1 or CH2 (don't try use simple numbers instead!). The second argument is the state, i.e. either "ON" or "OFF" (or 1 for on and 0 for off).

The function can only be used in the EXPERIMENT section of an EDL script.


This function exists only for the Thurlby&Thandar power supply and allows to switch damping of the output of one of the channels of the power supply on or off. It requires two arguments. The first one is the channel, which must be either CH1 or CH2 (don't use simple numbers instead!). The second argument is the damping state, i.e. either "ON" or "OFF" (or 1 for on and 0 for off).

The function can only be used in the EXPERIMENT section of an EDL script.


This function allows to either set or query the output voltage.

For the MCN700-2000 when called with no argument the output voltage is returned, when called with an argument the voltage is set to this value in the range between 0 and 2000 V (unless the current limiter kicks in - the returned value is the voltage that really go set).

For the Thurlby&Thandar it sets the output volatge for one of its channels. For a query only one argument is required, the channel, which must be specified as either CH1 or CH2 (don't use simple numbers instead!). If there is no second argument the output voltage at the channel is returned.

If there is a second argument, being a voltage in the range between 0 V and 32 V, the output voltage is set instead. Please note that this voltage may not appear at the outputs when the setting for the current limit does not allow it.

The function can only be used in the EXPERIMENT section of an EDL script.


This function exists only for the Thurlby&Thandar power supply and allows to query the current setting of the voltage limit. It expects one argument, the channel, which must be specified as either CH1 or CH2 (don't use simple numbers instead!).

If there is a second argument, being a voltage in the range between 0 V and 32 V, this value is used as the new voltage limit. The same effect can be achieved by calling the function powersupply_voltage().

The function can only be used in the EXPERIMENT section of an EDL script.


This function allows to either set or query the output current

For the MCN700-2000 when called with no argument the output current is returned, when called with an argument the current is set to this value in the range between 0 and 300 mA (unless the voltage limiter kicks in - the returned value is the current that really go set).

For the Thurlby&Thandar power supply the function sets or queries the current of one of the channels. For a query only one argument is required, the channel, which must be specified as either CH1 or CH2 (don't use simple numbers instead!). If there is no second argument the output current at the channel is returned.

If there is a second argument, being a current in the range between 0 A and 3 A, the output current is set instead. Please note that this current may not appear at the outputs when the setting for the voltage limit does not allow it.

The function can only be used in the EXPERIMENT section of an EDL script.


This function exists only for the Thurlby&Thandar power supply and allows to query the current setting of the current limit. It expects one argument, the channel, which must be specified as either CH1 or CH2 (don't use simple numbers instead!).

If there is a second argument, being a current in the range between 0 A and 3 A, this value is used as the new current limit. The same effect can be achieved by calling the function powersupply_current().

The function can only be used in the EXPERIMENT section of an EDL script.

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