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B.7 Sony/Tektronix Data Generator DG2020 (Berlin Version)

Module name: dg2020_b

Description: Sony/Tektronix Data Generator DG2020, used as pulser for the Berlin X-band spectrometer.

Timebase: between 5 ns and 100 ms
Maximum pulse voltage: between -2 V and 7 V
Minimum pulse voltage: between -3 V and 6 V
Difference between minimum and maximum pulse voltage must be not more than 9 V and at least 0.5 V.
Pulse voltage resolution: 0.1 V
Trigger-in level: Between -5 V to 5 V
Trigger-in voltage resolution: 0.1 V
Trigger-in impedance: 50 Ohm (LOW) or 1 kOhm (HIGH)
Number of output connectors (POD): 12
Number of internal channels: 36

Due to some problems with the firmware of the device pulse sequences always start with a state where the output of all connectors is the minimum pulse voltage for the duration of the timebase (this also holds for function/output channels declared as INVERTED).

Controlled via: GPIB bus (IEEE 488).
In the GPIB configuration file use "DG2020_B" as the device name, '\n' or 0xa as the EOS character and set set-reos, set-xeos and set-bin to no.

Status: Tested

Supported functions:


Back: B.6 Bruker NMR Gaussmeter BNM12 Forward: B.8 Sony/Tektronix Data Generator DG2020 (Frankfurt Version)   FastBack: B. Device Reference Up: B. Device Reference FastForward: C. Reserved Words

This document was generated by Jens Thoms Toerring on September 6, 2017 using texi2html 1.82.