

  1. A. Pelster and A. Wunderlin:
    Unification of Different Propagator Transformations in Quantum Mechanics;
    in H. Grabert, A. Inomata, L.S. Schulman, and U. Weiss (Editors):
    Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Path Integrals from meV to MeV;
    Tutzing, Bavaria, May 18--21, 1992;
    World Scientific, 335--342 (1993)

  2. A. Pelster, A. Wunderlin, and K. Zeile:
    Transformations of Space and Time in Quantum Mechanics in Comparison to Classical Mechanics;
    in V. Sa-Yakanit, J.-O. Berananda, W. Sritrakool (Editors):
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Path Integrals in Physics;
    Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, January 7--12, 1993;
    World Scientific, 396-409 (1995)

  3. H. Haken and A. Pelster:
    Über die Rolle der Symmetriebrechung bei der Selbstorganisation;
    in W. Hahn und P. Weibel (Herausgeber):
    Beiträge zum Symposium Evolutionäre Symmetrietheorie -- Selbstorganisation und dynamische Systeme;
    Frankfurt, 28.--30. Januar 1993;
    Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 121-132 (1996)

  4. A. Pelster, A. Wunderlin, and K. Zeile:
    Mapping of Discrete Spectral Data in Nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics;
    in A.O. Barut, I.D. Feranchuk, Ya. M. Shnir, and L.M. Tomil'chik (Editors):
    Proceedings of the International Workshop on Quantum Systems -- New Trends and Methods;
    Minsk, Belarus, May 23--29, 1994;
    World Scientific, 321-332 (1995)

  5. A. Pelster and H. Kleinert:
    Transformation Properties of Classical and Quantum Laws Under Some Nonholonomic Transformations;
    in V.S. Yarunin and M.A. Smondyrev (Editors):
    5th International Conference on Path Integrals from meV to MeV;
    Dubna, Russia, May 27--31 (1996);
    Publishing Department Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna, 187-191 (1996)

  6. M. Schanz and A. Pelster:
    On the Period-Doubling Scenario in Dynamical Systems with Time Delay;
    in A. Sydow (Editor):
    Proceedings of the 15th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathamatics;
    Berlin, August 24--29, 1997;
    Wissenschaft und Technik Verlag, Vol. 1, 215-220 (1997)

  7. M. Bachmann, H. Kleinert, and A. Pelster:
    Smearing Formula for Density Matrices;
    in R. Casalbuoni, R. Giachetti, V. Tognetti, R. Vaia, and P. Verrucchi (Editors):
    Proceedings of the Conference Path Integrals from peV to TeV: 50 years after Feynman's paper;
    Florence, Italy, August 25--29, 1998;
    World Scientific, 489-492 (1999)


  8. H. Kleinert, A. Pelster, and W. Kürzinger:
    Smearing Formula for Higher-Order Effective Classical Potential;
    in R. Casalbuoni, R. Giachetti, V. Tognetti, R. Vaia, and P. Verrucchi (Editors):
    Proceedings of the Conference Path Integrals from peV to TeV: 50 years after Feynman's paper;
    Florence, Italy, August 25--29, 1998;
    World Scientific, 537-540 (1999)

  9. A. Pelster and K. Glaum:
    Recursive Graphical Construction of Tadpole-Free Feynman Diagrams and Their Weights in phi^4-Theory;
    in W. Janke, A. Pelster, H.-J. Schmidt, and M. Bachmann (Editors):
    Fluctuating Paths and Fields- Dedicated to Hagen Kleinert on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday;
    World Scientific, 235-246 (2001)


  10. A. Pelster and F. Weissbach:
    Variational Perturbation Theory for the Ground-State Wave Function;
    in W. Janke, A. Pelster, H.-J. Schmidt, and M. Bachmann (Editors):
    Fluctuating Paths and Fields - Dedicated to Hagen Kleinert on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday;
    World Scientific, 315-326 (2001)


  11. B. Hamprecht and A. Pelster:
    The Highest-Derivative Version of Variational Perturbation Theory;
    in W. Janke, A. Pelster, H.-J. Schmidt, and M. Bachmann (Editors):
    Fluctuating Paths and Fields - Dedicated to Hagen Kleinert on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday;
    World Scientific, 347-364 (2001)


  12. M. Güßmann, A. Pelster, and G. Wunner:
    A General Model for the Development of Retinotopic Projections Between Manifolds of Different Geometries;
    in R.P. Würtz and M. Lappe (Editors):
    Proceedings of the 4. Workshop Dynamic Perception;
    Bochum, Germany, November 14--15, 2002;
    Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Berlin, 253-258 (2002)

  13. M. Güßmann, A. Pelster, and G. Wunner:
    Self-Organized Development of Retinotopic Projections;
    in U.J. Ilg, H.H. Bülthoff, and H.A. Mallot (Editors):
    Proceedings of the 5. Workshop Dynamic Perception;
    Tübingen, Germany, November 18--19, 2004;
    Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Berlin, 239-304 (2004)

  14. R. Graham and A. Pelster:
    Functional Integral Approach to Disordered Bosons;
    in W. Janke and A. Pelster (Editors):
    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference Path Integrals -- New Trends and Perspectives; Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems;
    Dresden, Germany, September 23--28, 2007;
    World Scientific, 376-383 (2008)

  15. K. Glaum, A. Pelster, and H. Kleinert:
    Thermodynamical Properties for Weakly Interacting Dipolar Gases Within Canonical Ensembles;
    in W. Janke and A. Pelster (Editors):
    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference Path Integrals -- New Trends and Perspectives; Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems;
    Dresden, Germany, September 23--28, 2007;
    World Scientific, 403-408 (2008)

  16. M. Schütte and A. Pelster:
    Critical Temperature of a Bose-Einstein Condensate With 1/r Interactions;
    in W. Janke and A. Pelster (Editors):
    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference Path Integrals -- New Trends and Perspectives; Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems;
    Dresden, Germany, September 23--28, 2007;
    World Scientific, 417-420 (2008)

  17. B. Klünder, A. Pelster, and R. Graham:
    Critical Temperature of Dirty Bosons;
    in W. Janke and A. Pelster (Editors):
    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference Path Integrals -- New Trends and Perspectives; Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems;
    Dresden, Germany, September 23--28, 2007;
    World Scientific, 421-424 (20008)

  18. S. Röthel and A. Pelster:
    Density and Stability in Ultracold Dilute Boson-Fermion Mixtures;
    in W. Janke and A. Pelster (Editors):
    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference Path Integrals -- New Trends and Perspectives; Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems;
    Dresden, Germany, September 23--28, 2007;
    World Scientific, 425-428 (2008)

  19. A. Lima and A. Pelster:
    Spinor Fermi Gases;
    in W. Janke and A. Pelster (Editors):
    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference Path Integrals -- New Trends and Perspectives; Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems;
    Dresden, Germany, September 23--28, 2007;
    World Scientific, 429-432 (2008)

  20. A. Balaz, I. Vidanovic, A. Bogojevic, and A. Pelster:
    Path Integrals Without Integrals;
    in B. Dragovich and Z. Rakic (Editors):
    Proceedings of the 6th Mathematical Physics Meeting: Summer School and Conference on Modern Mathematical Physics;
    Belgrade, Serbia, September 14--23, 2010;
    Institute of Physics Belgrade, SFIN XXIV A1, 55-70 (2011)

  21. I. Vidanovic, H. Al-Jibbouri, A. Balaz, and A. Pelster:
    Parametric and Geometric Resonances of Collective Oscillation Modes in Bose-Einstein Condensates;
    Proceedings of the III International School and Conference on Photonics;
    Belgrade, Serbia, August 29--September 2, 2011 ;
    Phys. Scr. T 149, 014003 (2012)

  22. N. Gheeraert, S. Chester, M. May, S. Eggert, and A. Pelster:
    Mean-Field Theory for Extended Bose-Hubbard Model with Hard-Core Bosons;
    in A. Pelster and G. Wunner (Editors):
    Proceedings of the International Symposium Selforganization in Complex Systems: The Past, Present, and Future of Synergetics;
    Hanse Institute of Advanced Studies, Delmenhorst, Germany, November 13--16, 2012;
    Springer, 289-296 (2016)

  23. C. Gruber and A. Pelster:
    Bose-Einstein Condensates in Compact Astrophysical Objects;
    in A. Pelster and G. Wunner (Editors):
    Proceedings of the International Symposium Selforganization in Complex Systems: The Past, Present, and Future of Synergetics;
    Hanse Institute of Advanced Studies, Delmenhorst, Germany, November 13--16, 2012;
    Springer, 297-304 (2016)

  24. A. Pelster:
    Zur Synergetik aus der Sicht eines theoretischen Physikers - Ein persönlicher Bericht;
    in J. Kriz and W. Tschacher (Herausgeber):
    Synergetik als Ordner - Die strukturierende Wirkung der interdisziplinären Idee Hermann Hakens;
    Pabst Science Publishers, 123-130 (2017)