
  1. A. Pelster and A. Wunderlin:
    On the Generalization of the Duru-Kleinert-Propagatortransformations;
    Zeitschrift für Physik B 89, 373-386 (1992)

  2. A. Pelster, A. Wunderlin, and K. Zeile:
    Space and Time Transformations in Classical Mechanics and in Quantum Mechanics;
    Reports on Mathematical Physics 33, 163-173 (1993)

  3. K. Zeile, A. Pelster, and A. Wunderlin:
    Quantum Energy Mapping - An Interpretation Based on Classical Orbits;
    Physics Letters A 179, 161-166 (1993)

  4. W. Wischert, A. Wunderlin, A. Pelster, M. Olivier, and J. Groslambert:
    Delay-Induced Instabilities in Nonlinear Feedback Systems;
    Physical Review E 49, 203-219 (1994)

  5. A. Pelster and H. Kleinert:
    Relations Between Markov Processes Via Local Time and Coordinate Transformations;
    Physical Review Letters 78, 565-569 (1997)

  6. H. Kleinert and A. Pelster:
    Novel Geometric Gauge Invariance of Autoparallels;
    Acta Physica Polonica 29, 1015-1023 (1998)

  7. H. Kleinert, W. Kürzinger, and A. Pelster:
    Effective Classical Potential to Higher Orders Via Smearing;
    Journal of Physics A 31, 8307-8321 (1998)

  8. E. Grigorieva, H. Haken, S.A. Kashchenko, and A. Pelster:
    Travelling Waves Dynamics in Nonlinear Interferometer with Spatial Field Transformer in Feedback;
    Physica D 125, 123-141 (1999)

  9. C. Simmendinger, A. Wunderlin, and A. Pelster:
    Analytical Approach for the Floquet Theory of Delay Differential Equations;
    Physical Review E 59, 5344-5353 (1999)

  10. H. Kleinert, A. Pelster, and M. Bachmann:
    Generating Functionals for Harmonic Expectation Values of Paths with Fixed End Points. Feynman Diagrams for Nonpolynomial Interactions;
    Physical Review E 60, 2510-2527 (1999)

  11. H. Kleinert and A. Pelster:
    Autoparallels From a New Action Principle;
    General Relativity and Gravitation 31, 1439-1447 (1999)

  12. M. Bachmann, H. Kleinert, and A. Pelster:
    Strong-Coupling Calculation of Fluctuation Pressure of a Membrane Between Walls;
    Physics Letters A 261, 127-133 (1999)

  13. M. Bachmann, H. Kleinert, and A. Pelster:
    Variational Perturbation Theory for Density Matrices;
    Physical Review A 60, 3429-3443 (1999)

  14. M. Bachmann, H. Kleinert, and A. Pelster:
    Recursive Graphical Construction of Feynman Diagrams in Quantum Electrodynamics;
    Physical Review D 61, 085017/1-16 (2000)

  15. H. Kleinert, A. Pelster, B. Kastening, and M. Bachmann:
    Recursive Graphical Construction of Feynman Diagrams and Their Multiplicities in phi^4- and phi^2 A-Theory;
    Physical Review E 62, 1537-1559 (2000)
    MATHEMATICA program and its output

  16. M. Bachmann, H. Kleinert, and A. Pelster:
    Variational Approach to Hydrogen Atom in Uniform Magnetic Field of Arbitrary Strength;
    Physical Review A 62, 52509/1-21 (2000)

  17. M. Bachmann, H. Kleinert, and A. Pelster:
    Quantum Statistics of Hydgrogen in Strong Magnetic Fields;
    Physics Letters A 279, 23-28 (2001)

  18. M. Bachmann, H. Kleinert, and A. Pelster:
    Fluctuation Pressure of a Stack of Membranes;
    Physical Review E 63, 051709/1-10 (2001)

  19. H. Kleinert, A. Pelster, and B. Van den Bossche:
    Recursive Graphical Construction of Feynman Diagrams and Their Weights in Ginzburg-Landau Theory;
    Physica A 312, 141-152 (2002)

  20. A. Pelster, H. Kleinert, and M. Bachmann:
    Functional Closure of Schwinger-Dyson Equations in Quantum Electrodynamics --
    Part 1: Generation of Connected and One-Particle Irreducible Feynman Diagrams;
    Annals of Physics (N.Y.) 297, 363-395 (2002)

  21. H. Kleinert, A. Pelster, and M.V. Putz:
    Variational Perturbation Theory for Markov Processes;
    Physical Review E 65, 066128/1-7 (2002)

  22. F. Weißbach, A. Pelster, and B. Hamprecht:
    High-Order Variational Perturbation Theory for the Free Energy;
    Physical Review E 66, 036129/1-11 (2002)

  23. C.M. Bender, A. Pelster, and F. Weißbach:
    Boundary-Layer Theory, Strong-Coupling Series, and Large-Order Behavior;
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 43, 4202-4220 (2002)

  24. M. Schanz and A. Pelster:
    Synergetic System Analysis for the Delay-Induced Hopf Bifurcation in the Wright Equation;
    SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 2, 277-296 (2003)

  25. M. Schanz and A. Pelster:
    Analytical and Numerical Investigations of the Phase-Locked Loop with Time Delay;
    Physical Review E 67, 056205/1-8 (2003)

  26. A. Pelster, H. Kleinert, and M. Schanz:
    High-Order Variational Calculation for the Frequency of Time-Periodic Solutions;
    Physical Review E 67, 016604/1-6 (2003)

  27. A. Pelster and K. Glaum:
    Many-Body Vacuum Diagrams and Their Recursive Graphical Construction;
    Physica Status Solidi B 237, 72-81 (2003)

  28. A. Pelster and H. Kleinert:
    Functional Differential Equations for the Free Energy and the Effective Energy in the Broken-Symmetry Phase of phi^4-Theory and Their Recursive Graphical Solution;
    Physica A 323, 370-400 (2003)

  29. A. Pelster and K. Glaum:
    Recursive Graphical Solution of Closed Schwinger-Dyson Equations in phi^4-Theory --
    Part 1: Generation of Connected and One-Particle Irreducible Feynman Diagrams;
    Physica A 335, 455-486 (2004)

  30. H. Kleinert, S. Schmidt, and A. Pelster:
    Reentrant Phenomenon in the Quantum Phase Transitions of a Gas of Bosons Trapped in an Optical Lattice;
    Physical Review Letters 93, 160402/1-4 (2004)

  31. H. Kleinert, S. Schmidt, and A. Pelster:
    Quantum Phase Diagram for Homogeneous Bose-Einstein Condensate;
    Annalen der Physik (Leipzig) 14, 214-230 (2005)

  32. S.F. Brandt, H. Kleinert, and A. Pelster:
    Recursive Calculation of Effective Potential and Variational Resummation;
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 46, 032101/1-11 (2005)

  33. J. Dreger, A. Pelster, and B. Hamprecht:
    Variational Perturbation Theory for Fokker-Planck Equation with Nonlinear Drift;
    European Physical Journal B 45, 355-368 (2005)

  34. S.F. Brandt and A. Pelster:
    Large-D Expansion from Variational Perturbation Theory;
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 46, 112105/1-16 (2005)

  35. S.F. Brandt, A. Pelster, and R. Wessel:
    Variational Calculation of the Limit Cycle and its Frequency in a Two-Neuron Model With Delay;
    Physical Review E 74, 036201/1-14 (2006)

  36. K.V. Krutitsky, A. Pelster, and R. Graham:
    Mean-Field Phase Diagram of Disordered Bosons in a Lattice at Non-Zero Temperature;
    Focus Issue on "Cold Atoms in Optical Lattices" edited by I. Bloch and P. Zoller;
    New Journal of Physics 8, 187/1-14 (2006)

  37. M. Timmer, A. Pelster, and R. Graham:
    Disorder-Induced Shift of Condensation Temperature for Dilute Trapped Bose Gases;
    Europhysics Letters 76, 760-766 (2006)

  38. P. Navez, A. Pelster, and R. Graham:
    Bose Condensed Gas in Strong Disorder Potential With Arbitrary Correlation Length;
    Applied Physics B 86, 395-398 (2007)

  39. K. Glaum, A. Pelster, H. Kleinert, and T. Pfau:
    Critical Temperature of Weakly Interacting Dipolar Condensates;
    Physical Review Letters 98, 080407/1-4 (2007)

  40. G.M. Falco, A. Pelster, and R. Graham:
    Thermodynamics of a Bose-Einstein Condensate with Weak Disorder;
    Physical Review A 75, 063619/1-11 (2007)

  41. S. Kling and A. Pelster:
    Thermodynamical Properties of a Rotating Ideal Bose Gas;
    Physical Review A 76, 023609/1-6 (2007)

  42. M. Güßmann, A. Pelster, and G. Wunner:
    Synergetic Analysis of the Häussler-von der Malsburg Equations for Manifolds of Arbitrary Geometry;
    Annalen der Physik (Leipzig) 16, 379-394 (2007)

  43. M. Güßmann, A. Pelster, and G. Wunner:
    Solutions of the Häussler-von der Malsburg Equations in Manifolds with Constant Curvatures;
    Annalen der Physik (Leipzig) 16, 395-425 (2007)

  44. K. Glaum and A. Pelster:
    Bose-Einstein Condensation Temperature of Dipolar Gas in Anisotropic Harmonic Trap;
    Physical Review A 76, 023604/1-11 (2007)

  45. G.M. Falco, A. Pelster, and R. Graham:
    Collective Oscillations in Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensed Gases in the Presence of Weak Disorder;
    Physical Review A 76, 013624/1-5 (2007)

  46. S.F. Brandt, A. Pelster, and R. Wessel:
    Controlling the Phase in a Neuronal Feedback Loop through Asymmetric Temporal Delays;
    Europhysics Letters 79, 38001/1-5 (2007)

  47. S. Röthel and A. Pelster:
    Density and Stability in Ultracold Dilute Boson-Fermion Mixtures;
    European Physical Journal B 59, 343-356 (2007)

  48. K. Glaum, H. Kleinert, and A. Pelster:
    Condensation of Ideal Bose Gas Confined in a Box within a Canonical Ensemble;
    Physical Review A 76, 063604/1-12 (2007)

  49. F.E.A. dos Santos and A. Pelster:
    Quantum Phase Diagram of Bosons in Optical Lattices;
    Physical Review A 79, 013614/1-12 (2009)

  50. B. Bradlyn, F.E.A. dos Santos, and A. Pelster:
    Effective Action Approach for Quantum Phase Transitions in Bosonic Lattices;
    Physical Review A 79, 013615/1-15 (2009)

  51. R. Graham and A. Pelster:
    Order Via Nonlinearity in Randomly Confined Bose Gases;
    International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 19, 2745-2753 (2009)

  52. S. Kling and A. Pelster:
    Dynamical Properties of a Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensate;
    Special Issue on "Physics of Cold Trapped Atoms";
    Laser Physics 19, 1072-1078 (2009)

  53. A. Balaz, A. Bogojevic, I. Vidanovic, and A. Pelster:
    Recursive Schrödinger Equation Approach to Faster Converging Path Integrals;
    Physical Review E 79, 036701/1-9 (2009)

  54. B. Klünder and A. Pelster:
    Systematic Semiclassical Expansion for Harmonically Trapped Ideal Bose Gases;
    European Physical Journal B 68, 457-465 (2009)

  55. A. Hoffmann and A. Pelster:
    Visibility of Cold Atomic Gases in Optical Lattices for Finite Temperatures;
    Physical Review A 79, 053623/1-9 (2009)

  56. K. Howe, A.R.P. Lima, and A. Pelster:
    Rotating Fermi Gases in an Anharmonic Trap;
    European Physical Journal D 54, 667-682 (2009)

  57. A.R.P. Lima and A. Pelster:
    Collective Motion of Polarized Dipolar Fermi Gases in the Hydrodynamic Regime;
    Physical Review A 81, 021606(R)/1-4 (2010)

  58. A. Balaz, I. Vidanovic, A. Bogojevic, and A. Pelster:
    Ultra-Fast Converging Path-Integral Approach for Rotating Ideal Bose-Einstein Condensates;
    Physics Letters A 374, 1539-1549 (2010)

  59. A.R.P. Lima and A. Pelster:
    Dipolar Fermi Gases in Anisotropic Traps;
    Physical Review A 81, 063629/1-15 (2010)

  60. A. Pelster:
    Bose-Einstein-Kondensat im neuen Licht --
    Auch Photonen können kondensieren und bilden sogar bei Raumtemperatur eine neuartige kohärente Lichtquelle;
    Physik Journal 10, Nr. 1, 20-21 (2011)

  61. A. Balaz, I. Vidanovic, A. Bogojevic, A. Belic, and A. Pelster:
    Fast Converging Path Integrals for Time-Dependent Potentials I: Recursive Calculation of Short-Time Expansion of the Propagator;
    Journal of Statistical Mechanics P03004/1-23 (2011)

  62. A. Balaz, I. Vidanovic, A. Bogojevic, A. Belic, and A. Pelster:
    Fast Converging Path Integrals for Time-Dependent Potentials II: Generalization to Many-body Systems and Real-Time Formalism;
    Journal of Statistical Mechanics P03005/1-19 (2011)

  63. T.D. Grass, F.E.A. dos Santos, and A. Pelster:
    Real-Time Ginzburg-Landau Theory for Bosons in Optical Lattices;
    Laser Physics 21, 1459-1463 (2011)

  64. S.F. Brandt, A. Pelster, and R. Wessel:
    Noise-Dependent Stability of the Synchronized State in a Coupled System of Active Rotators;
    World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics 1, 88-96 (2011)

  65. T.D. Grass, F.E.A. dos Santos, and A. Pelster:
    Excitation Spectra of Bosons in Optical Lattices from Schwinger-Keldysh Calculation;
    Physical Review A 84, 013613/1-15 (2011)

  66. I. Vidanovic, A. Balaz, H. Al-Jibbouri, and A. Pelster:
    Nonlinear BEC Dynamics Induced by a Harmonic Modulation of the s-wave Scattering Length;
    Physical Review A 84, 013618/1-11 (2011)

  67. C. Krumnow and A. Pelster:
    Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensates with Weak Disorder;
    Physical Review A 84, 021608(R)/1-4 (2011)

  68. A.R.P. Lima and A. Pelster:
    Quantum Fluctuations in Dipolar Bose Gases;
    Physical Review A 84, 041604(R)/1-4 (2011)

  69. C. Nietner and A. Pelster:
    Ginzburg-Landau Theory for the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard Model;
    Physical Review A 85, 043831/1-13 (2012)

  70. B. Abdullaev and A. Pelster:
    Bose-Einstein Condensate in Weak 3d Isotropic Speckle Disorder;
    European Physical Journal D 66, 314/1-11 (2012)

  71. A.R.P. Lima and A. Pelster:
    Beyond Mean-Field Low-Lying Excitations of Dipolar Bose Gases;
    Physical Review A 86, 063609/1-16 (2012)

  72. H. Al-Jibbouri, I. Vidanovic, A. Balaz, and A. Pelster:
    Geometric Resonances in Bose-Einstein Condensates with Two- and Three-Body Interactions;
    Journal of Physics B 46, 065303/1-15 (2013)

  73. M. Ohliger and A. Pelster:
    Green's Function Approach to the Bose-Hubbard Model;
    World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics 3, 125-130 (2013)

  74. D. Hinrichs, A. Pelster, and M. Holthaus:
    Perturbative Calculation of Critical Exponents for the Bose-Hubbard Model;
    Applied Physics B 113, 57-67 (2013)

  75. T. Wang, X.-F. Zhang, S. Eggert, and A. Pelster:
    Generalized Effective Potential Landau Theory for Bosonic Superlattices;
    Physical Review A 87, 063615/1-9 (2013)

  76. B. Nikolic, A. Balaz, and A. Pelster:
    Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensates in Weak Anisotropic Disorder;
    Physical Review A 88, 013624/1-14 (2013)

  77. H. Al-Jibbouri and A. Pelster:
    Breakdown of Kohn Theorem Near Feshbach Resonance in Magnetic Trap;
    Physical Review A 88, 033621/1-10 (2013)

  78. M. Mobarak and A. Pelster:
    Superfluid Phases of Spin-1 Bosons in Cubic Optical Lattice;
    Laser Physics Letters 10, 115501/1-6 (2013)

  79. A. Pelster:
    Flimmerndes Bose-Einstein-Kondensat von Photonen --
    Bonner Experiment mit Photonen weist große Teilchenzahlfluktuationen in einem idealen Bose-Einstein-Kondensat nach;
    Physik Journal 13, Nr. 3, 20-22 (2014)

  80. W. Cairncross and A. Pelster:
    Parametric Resonance in Bose-Einstein Condensates with Periodic Modulation of Attractive Interaction;
    European Physical Journal D 68, 106/1-6 (2014)

  81. T. Wang, X.-F. Zhang, F.E.A. dos Santos, S. Eggert, and A. Pelster:
    Tuning the Quantum Phase Transition of Bosons in Optical Lattices via Periodic Modulation of s-Wave Scattering Length;
    Physical Review A 90, 013633/1-10 (2014)

  82. C. Gruber and A. Pelster:
    A Theory of Finite-Temperature Bose-Einstein Condensates in Neutron Stars;
    European Physical Journal D 68, 341/1-21 (2014)

  83. M. Ghabour and A. Pelster:
    Bogoliubov Theory of Dipolar Bose Gas in Weak Random Potential;
    Physical Review A 90, 063636/1-12 (2014)

  84. X.-F. Zhang, T. Wang, S. Eggert, and A. Pelster:
    Tunable Anisotropic Superfluidity in an Optical Kagome Superlattice;
    Physical Review B 92, 014512/1-5 (2015)

  85. G. Tang, S. Eggert, and A. Pelster:
    Ground-State Properties of Anyons in a One-Dimensional Lattice;
    New Journal of Physics 17, 123016/1-14 (2015)

  86. W. Kopylov, M. Radonjic, T. Brandes, A. Balaz, and A. Pelster:
    Dissipative Two-Mode Tavis-Cummings Model with Time-Delayed Feedback Control;
    Physical Review A 92, 063832/1-9 (2015)

  87. J. Akram and A. Pelster:
    Sculpting Quasi One-Dimensional Bose-Einstein Condensate to Generate Calibrated Matter-Waves;
    Physical Review A 93, 023606/1-9 (2016)

  88. J. Akram and A. Pelster:
    Numerical Study of Localized Impurity in a Bose-Einstein Condensate;
    Physical Review A 93, 033610/1-10 (2016)

  89. J. Akram, B. Girodias, and A. Pelster:
    Quasi One-Dimensional Bose-Einstein Condensate in Gravito-Optical Surface Trap;
    Journal of Physics B 49, 075302/1-10 (2016)

  90. T. Khellil and A. Pelster:
    Hartree-Fock Mean-Field Theory for Trapped Dirty Bosons;
    Journal of Statistical Mechanics 063301/1-31 (2016)

  91. T. Khellil, A. Balaz, and A. Pelster:
    Analytical and Numerical Study of Dirty Bosons in a Quasi-One-Dimensional Harmonic Trap;
    New Journal of Physics 18, 063003/1-15 (2016)

  92. J. Akram and A. Pelster:
    Statics and Dynamics of Quasi One-Dimensional Bose-Einstein Condensate in Harmonic and Dimple Trap;
    Laser Physics 26, 065501/1-10 (2016)

  93. E. Wamba, A. Pelster, and J.R. Anglin:
    Exact Quantum Field Mappings Between Different Experiments on Quantum Gases;
    Physical Review A 94, 043628/1-8 (2016)

  94. X.-F. Zhang, S. Hu, A. Pelster, and S. Eggert:
    Quantum Domain Walls Induce Incommensurate Supersolid Phase on the Anisotropic Triangular Lattice;
    Physical Review Letters 117, 193210/1-6 (2016)

  95. N. Mann, M.R. Bakhtiari, F. Massel, A. Pelster, and M. Thorwart:
    Driven Bose-Hubbard Model with a Parametrically Modulated Harmonic Trap;
    Physical Review A 95, 043604/1-8 (2017)

  96. B. Irsigler and A. Pelster:
    Dimensionally Induced 1D-3D Phase Transition of the Weakly Interacting Ultracold Bose Gas;
    Physical Review A 95, 043610/1-6 (2017)

  97. B. Santra, C. Baals, R. Labouvie, A.B. Bhattacherjee, A. Pelster, and H. Ott:
    Measuring Finite-Range Phase Coherence in an Optical Lattice Using Talbot Interferometry;
    Nature Communications 8, 15601/1-8 (2017)

  98. V. Veljic, A. Balaz, and A. Pelster:
    Time-of-Flight Expansion of Trapped Dipolar Fermi Gases: From the Collisionless to the Hydrodynamic Regime;
    Physical Review A 95, 053635/1-17 (2017)

  99. T. Khellil and A. Pelster:
    Dirty Bosons in a Three-Dimensional Harmonic Trap;
    Journal of Statistical Mechanics 093108/1-34 (2017)

  100. F. Wächtler, A.R.P. Lima, and A. Pelster:
    Low-Lying Excitation Modes of Trapped Dipolar Fermi Gases: From Collisionless to Hydrodynamic Regime;
    Physical Review A 96, 043608/1-16 (2017)

  101. A.B. Bhattacherjee, D. Sharma, and A. Pelster:
    Operator Approach for Spin Squeezing Dynamics;
    European Physical Journal D 71, 338/1-9 (2017)

  102. N. Mann, M.R. Bakhtiari, A. Pelster, and M. Thorwart:
    Nonequilibrium Quantum Phase Transition in a Hybrid Atom-Optomechanical System;
    Physical Review Letters 120, 063605/1-6 (2018)

  103. M. Radonjic, W. Kopylov, A. Balaz, and A. Pelster:
    Interplay of Coherent and Dissipative Dynamics in Condensates of Light;
    Focus Issue on "Many body Physics with Photons and Polaritons" edited by D.G. Angelakis, C. Ciuti, P. Roushan, and A. Szameit;
    New Journal of Physics 20, 055014/1-15 (2018)

  104. V. Veljic, A.R.P. Lima, L. Chomaz, S. Baier, M.J. Mark, F. Ferlaino, A. Pelster, and A. Balaz:
    Ground State of an Ultracold Fermi Gas of Tilted Dipoles in Elongated Traps;
    New Journal of Physiscs 20, 093016/1-21 (2018)

  105. T. Wang, X.-F. Zhang, C.-F. Hou, S. Eggert, and A. Pelster:
    High-Order Symbolic Strong-Coupling Expansion for the Bose-Hubbard Model;
    Physical Review B 98, 245107/1-14 (2018)

  106. M. Kübler, F.T. Sant'Ana, F.E.A. dos Santos, and A. Pelster:
    Improving Mean-Field Theory for Bosons in Optical Lattices via Degenerate Perturbation Theory;
    Physical Review A 99, 063603/1-14 (2019)

  107. A. Pelster:
    Supersolide dipolare Quantengase --
    Drei Experimente zeigen, dass ultrakalte Gase aus magnetischen Atomen kristallisieren und reibungsfrei fließen können;
    Physik Journal 18, Nr. 6, 20-22 (2019)

  108. V. Veljic, A. Pelster, and A. Balaz:
    Stability of quantum degenerate Fermi gases of tilted polar molecules;
    Physical Review Research 1, 012009/1-7 (2019)

  109. E. Stein, F. Vewinger, and A. Pelster:
    Collective Modes of a Photon Bose-Einstein Condensate with Thermo-Optic Interaction;
    New Journal of Physics 21, 103044/1-11 (2019)

  110. F.T. Sant'Ana, A. Pelster, and F.E.A. dos Santos:
    Finite-Temperature Degenerate Perturbation Theory for Bosons in Optical Lattices;
    Physical Review A 100, 043609/1-13 (2019)

  111. N. Mann, A. Pelster, and M. Thorwart:
    Tuning the Order of the Nonequilibrium Quantum Phase Transition in a Hybrid Atom-Optomechanical System;
    New Journal of Physics 21, 113037/1-16 (2019)

  112. T. Wang, S. Hu, S. Eggert, M. Fleischhauer, A. Pelster, and X.-F. Zhang:
    Floquet-Induced Superfluidity with Periodically Modulated Interactions of Two-Species Hardcore Bosons in a One-dimensional Optical Lattice;
    Physical Review Research 2, 013275/1-15 (2020)

  113. B. Nagler, M. Radonjic, S. Barbosa, J. Koch, A. Pelster, and A. Widera:
    Cloud Shape of a Molecular Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Disordered Trap: A Case Study of the Dirty Boson Problem;
    New Journal of Physics 22, 033021/1-14 (2020)

  114. N.S. Móller, F.E.A. dos Santos, V.S. Bagnato, and A. Pelster:
    Bose-Einstein Condensation on Curved Manifolds;
    New Journal of Physics 22, 063059/1-23 (2020)

  115. E. Wamba and A. Pelster:
    Exact N-point function mapping between pairs of experiments with Markovian open quantum systems;
    Physical Review A 102, 043320/1-14 (2020)

  116. M. Radonjic and A. Pelster:
    Non-equilibrium evolution of Bose-Einstein condensate deformation in temporally controlled weak disorder;
    SciPost Physics 10, 008/1-17 (2021)

  117. M. Bonkhoff, K. Jägering, S. Eggert, A. Pelster, M. Thorwart, and T. Posske:
    Bosonic Continuum Theory of One-Dimensional Lattice Anyons;
    Physical Review Letters 126, 163201/1-7 (2021)

  118. R. da Silva, A. Pelster, and F.E.A. dos Santos:
    Green's function approach to the Bose-Hubbard model with disorder;
    New Journal of Physics 23, 083007/1-13 (2021)

  119. C.D. Mink, A. Pelster, J. Benary, H. Ott, and M. Fleischhauer:
    Variational truncated Wigner approximation for weakly interacting Bose fields: Dynamics of coupled condensates;
    SciPost Physics 12, 051/1-20 (2022)

  120. A. Tononi, A. Pelster, and L. Salasnich:
    Topological Superfluid Transition in Microgravity Bubble-Trapped Condensates;
    Physical Review Research 4, 013122/1-8 (2022)

  121. E. Stein and A. Pelster:
    Thermodynamics of Trapped Photon Gases at Dimensional Crossover from 2D to 1D;
    New Journal of Physics 24, 023013/1-16 (2022)

  122. E. Stein and A. Pelster:
    Photon BEC with Thermo-Optic Interaction at Dimensional Crossover;
    New Journal of Physics 24, 023032/1-13 (2022)

  123. E. Stein and A. Pelster:
    Hartree-Fock Analogue Theory of Thermo-Optic Interaction;
    New Journal of Physics 25, 033025/1-10 (2023)

  124. E. Stein and A. Pelster:
    Exact Diagonalisation of Photon Bose-Einstein Condensates with Thermo-Optic Interaction;
    New Journal of Physics 25, 033026/1-12 (2023)

  125. R.S. da Silva, A. Pelster, and F.E.A. dos Santos:
    Emergence of Damped-Localized Excitations of the Mott State due to Disorder;
    New Journal of Physics 25, 063015/1-14 (2023)

  126. M. Bonkhoff, S. B. Jäger, I. Schneider, A. Pelster, and S. Eggert:
    Coherence Properties of the Repulsive Anyon-Hubbard Dimer;
    Physical Review B 108, 155134/1-8 (2023)

  127. E.J.P. Biral, N.S. Móller, A. Pelster, and F.E.A. dos Santos:
    Bose-Einstein condensates and the thin-shell limit in anisotropic bubble traps;
    New Journal of Physics 26, 013035/1-18 (2024)

  128. M. Radonjic, L. Mixa, A. Pelster, and M. Thorwart:
    Nanomechanically-induced nonequilibrium quantum phase transition to a self-organized density wave of a Bose-Einstein condensate;
    Physical Review Research 6, 033094/1-12 (2024)

  129. M. Pieczarka, M. Gebski, A.N. Piasecka, J.A. Lott, A. Pelster, M. Wasiak, and T. Czyszanowski:
    Bose-Einstein condensation of photons in a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser;
    Nature Photonics 18, 1090-1096 (2024)
    News and Views: A. Fainstein and G. Usaj, A technology friendly photon condensate; Nature Photonics 18, 999-1001 (2024)
    German Press Release, English Press Release

  130. E. Wamba, A. Pelster, and J.R. Anglin:
    Mapping as a probe for heating suppression in periodically driven quantum many-body systems;

  131. S. Yong, S. Barbosa, J. Koch, F. Lang, A. Pelster, and A. Widera:
    Unravelling interaction and temperature contributions in unpolarized trapped fermionic atoms in the BCS regime;

  132. J. Krauß, M. A. G. dos Santos Filho, F. E. A. dos Santos, and A. Pelster:
    Projection optimization method for open-dissipative quantum fluids and its application to a single vortex in a photon Bose-Einstein condensate;

  133. L. Mixa, M. Radonjic, A. Pelster, and M. Thorwart:
    Engineering quantum droplet formation by cavity-induced long-range interactions;

  134. L. Mixa, M. Radonjic, A. Pelster, and M. Thorwart:
    Cavity-induced quantum droplets;

  135. M. Bonkhoff, K. Jägering, S. Hu, A. Pelster, S. Eggert, and I. Schneider:
    Anyonic phase transitions in the 1D extended Hubbard model with fractional statistics;

  136. R.P.A. Lima, M. Radonjic, and A. Pelster:
    Out-of-equilibrium dynamical properties of Bose-Einstein condensates in a ramped up weak disorder;

  137. C. Dauer, A. Pelster, and S. Eggert:
    Understanding Floquet resonances in ultracold gas scattering;

  138. V.H.F. Bezerra and A. Pelster:
    Competing antiferromagnetic and superfluid phases in the Feshbach-Hubbard model;
    RPTU preprint

  139. N. Kaschewski, A. Pelster, and C.A.R. Sa de Melo:
    The Weighted Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov me- thod for interacting fermions: An application to ultracold Fermi superfluids;
    RPTU preprint