Student Retreat Winter Term 2016/2017

Bensheim, September 21, 2016

preceding the

Annual Retreat 2016

Bensheim, September 22--23, 2016 of the


The College for the Advancement of Postgraduate Education (MGK) within the Collaborative Research Center SFB/TR49 offers student retreats on a regular basis. On these occasions the student participants get the possibility to present and discuss their present research status within a relaxed atmosphere. Furthermore, additional pedagogical lectures or soft skill courses allow for an advanced training.




The poster for the Student Retreat can be downloaded from the homepage.



Program Plan


The one-day student retreat in Bensheim contains two program elements:

1) Talks from and discussions with physicists from industry:


2) Short talks of student participants about their research work.

The detailed program is available here.



The Student Retreat of the winter term 2016/2017 as well as the subsequent Annual Retreat of the SFB/TR49 will take place at the Alleehotel EUROPA on September 21, 2016:

Allee Hotel EUROPA
Europa Allee 45
64625 Bensheim
Tel.: 06251 1050

Please consult the homepage for further information about the journey.




In order to register for the student retreat, please send an email to axel.pelster ad until August 14, 2016. Mention therein the title of the short talk which you want to present during the student retreat. Please note that lodging and meals will be fully covered by the College for the Advancement of Postgraduate Education, whereas the travel costs will be reimbursed by each research group.


Registered Participants:


  • Michaela Altmeyer, Frankfurt
  • Christian Baals, Kaiserslautern
  • Vladislav Borisov, Frankfurt
  • Constantin Butzke, Frankfurt
  • Bernhard Franz, Frankfurt
  • Elena Gati, Frankfurt
  • Christoph Gross, Mainz
  • Benedikt Hartmann, Frankfurt
  • Steffi Hartmann, Frankfurt
  • Lukas Keller, Frankfurt
  • Jan Krieg, Frankfurt
  • Ulrich Lechner, Frankfurt
  • Kubandiran Kolanji, Mainz
  • Laura Mihalceanu, Kaiserslautern
  • Antonia Morherr, Frankfurt
  • Ingo Müller-Vogt, Stuttgart
  • Timo Noack, Kaiserslautern
  • Axel Pelster, Kaiserslautern
  • Jana-Isabelle Polzin, Frankfurt
  • Pascal Puphal, Frankfurt
  • Andreas Reingruber, Kaiserslautern
  • Kira Riedl, Frankfurt
  • Florian Spitzfaden, Frankfurt
  • Dominik Straßel, Kaiserslautern
  • Dandan Su, Frankfurt
  • Christian Thurn, Frankfurt
  • Dorothee Weber-Bruhls, Frankfurt
  • Oliver Wolf, Darmstadt
  • Karim Zantout, Frankfurt
  • Daniel Zepp, Kaiserslautern

Scientific Organizers

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Axel Pelster
Executive Manager of MGK
Fachbereich Physik
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
Erwin Schrödinger Straße, Gebäude 46
67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
axel.pelster at
phone: 0049 631 205 2270
fax: 0049 631 205 3907

Dipl.-Phys. Pascal Puphal
Student Representative of MGK
Fachbereich Physik
Universität Frankfurt
Max-von-Laue Straße
60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
pascalpuphal at
phone: 0049 69 798 47259
fax: 0049-69 798 763 47295