The International School will provide a concise overview about recent progress in linear response and nonequilibrium dynamics
of quantum many-body systems ranging from atomic physics via ultracold quantum gases to
condensed matter physics.
The pedagogical talks are provided by both experimental and theoretical physicists of
international reputation.
The school is organized by the Colleges for the Advancement of Postgraduate
Education (MGK) within the Collaborative Research Centers SFB/TR49
and SFB/TR185,
which are both funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, but it will be open for international registration.
In particular, PhD students and young postdocs, who are interested to broaden their research profile, will benefit from the introductory lectures
as well as the discussions within a relaxed atmosphere. Furthermore, all participants will be given the
opportunity to present their current research work through posters and a
poster flash presentation.
Group Photo

Invited speakers:
- Michael Bauer (Kiel, Germany):
Principles of time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
Non-equilibrium carrier dynamics in two-dimensional materials
Slides of Part I and Part II - Thomas Gasenzer (Heidelberg, Germany):
Universal dynamics near non-thermal fixed points
Slides of Part I and Part II - Ulrich Schneider (Cambridge, Germany):
Quantum quenches, transport properties and thermalization in optical lattices
Many-body localization in optical lattices
Slides of Part I and II - Ulrich Schollwöck (Munich, Germany):
Time-dependence with matrix product states
Spectral functions: Dynamical Mean-Field Theory as a challenge
Slides of Part I and II - Kilian Singer (Kassel, Germany):
The single ion heat engine - a sensitive quantum probe for non-classical baths - Oliver Stockert (Dresden, Germany):
Neutron scattering: A unique microscopic probe to study magnetism
Slides of Part I and Part II - Masahito Ueda (Tokyo, Japan):
Slides of Part I and of Part II
Poster announcement:
The poster for the International School can be downloaded
from the homepage.