International Symposium

Self-Organization in Complex Systems:

The Past, Present, and Future of Synergetics

On the Occasion of the 85th Birthday of Hermann Haken

Delmenhorst (Germany), November 13 - 16, 2012

supported by


In numerous systems of both living and nonliving nature complex spatio-temporal or functional patterns of self-organization processes are ubiquitous. They are extremely important in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, as well as in the engineering, and even in the social sciences. Understanding such self-organization processes over the past several decades has not only changed physics, but has also led to improvements in our daily life. Hermann Haken, who is celebrating his 85th birthday this year, is an internationally recognized pioneer in this respect, having laid the mathematical-physical basis for describing and analysing self-organization processes with his fundamental theory of synergetics. Haken successfully applied synergetic methods to investigate the laser and other physical systems, as well as in studies on the brain. Since it was founded, this truly interdisciplinary field has experienced a rapid growth, both in terms of the mathematical-physical methodology and the success that has been achieved by applying it to a diversity of different fields of research. On all length scales and in all areas of human life - from the quantum level right up to the spread of disease over air traffic junctions - self-organization and complex dynamics behavior have turned out to play a key role. A more in-depth understanding of these processes will allow the development of diverse methods of control with which we can attempt to master the complexity of these systems. The potential of practical applications can certainly be enhanced if the different disciplines share their advanced and sophisticated methods, as well as their experiences with each other. Therefore, the planned Symposium is aimed to cover the research field synergetics as a whole, ranging from basic methods to concrete applications, by taking advantage of its interdisciplinary impact. Moreover, by combining a historical review with a present status report the Symposium will give young scientists an understanding of the allure and potency of this branch of research as well as its applicability in the future.


Research Topics

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Invited Talks


  • Lisa Borland (San Francisco, USA):
    The physics of finance: Collective dynamics in a complex world

  • Andreas Daffertshofer (Amsterdam, Netherlands):
    On the dynamics of synchrony and information processing in the nervous system

  • Till Frank (Connecticut, USA):
    Synergetic computer and physical intelligence

  • Siegfried Großmann (Marburg, Germany):
    Flow organization in highly turbulent thermal convection

  • Fritz Haake (Duisburg, Germany):
    Quantum chaotic equilibration - without dissipation

  • Hermann Haken (Stuttgart, Germany):
    Obituary for Rudolf Friedrich and Arne Wunderlin
    The brain as a synergetic and physical system

  • Axel Hutt (Nancy, France):
    Additive noise tunes the stability of nonlinear systems

  • Viktor Jirsa (Marseille, France):
    On the role of the space-time structure of couplings in synergetic networks

  • Bernd Kröger (Stuttgart, Germany):
    Hermann Haken - His roadmap to Synergetics

  • Günter Mahler (Stuttgart, Germany):
    Quantum thermodynamics: A case study for emergent behavior

  • Cun-Zheng Ning (Tempe, USA):
    Nanolasers: The current status of the trailblazer of synergetics

  • Joachim Peinke (Oldenburg, Germany):
    Stochastic models for turbulence and turbulent driven systems

  • Axel Pelster (Kaiserslautern, Germany):
    Ginzburg-Landau theory for bosons in optical lattices

  • Peter Plath (Berlin, Germany):
    Synergetic impact of synergetics: Remembrances of a Chemist

  • Marko Robnik (Maribor, Slovenia):
    Adiabatic invariants and some statistical properties of the time-dependent linear and nonlinear oscillators

  • Gerhard Roth (Bremen - Germany):
    Personality development as a process of self-organization

  • Günter Schiepek (Salzburg, Austria):
    Phase transitions and critical instabilities in the psychotherapeutic process: Converging results from repeated functional MRI and continuous self-report data from the synergetic navigation system

  • Eckehard Schöll (Berlin, Germany):
    Control of self-organizing complex systems and networks with time-delay

  • Aneta Stefanovska (Lancaster, UK):
    Introduction to chronotaxic systems - systems far from thermodynamic equilibrium that adjust their clocks

  • Peter Tass (Jülich, Germany):
    Unlearning pathological neuronal synchrony by coordinated reset neuromodulation: treating brain diseases based on synergetic priniciples

  • Martin Weitz (Bonn, Germany):
    Bose-Einstein condensation of light

  • Günter Wunner (Stuttgart, Germany):
    Bose-Einstein condensates in PT-symmetric double-well potentials

  • Symposium Booklet


    The booklet of the Symposium, which contains the program as well as the abstracts of all talks and poster contributions, is now available: status from November 12, 2012.




    The Synergetic Symposium takes place at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (Institute for Advanced Study, HWK) in Delmenhorst (Germany). Please consult the homepage for further information about the journey.

    atomic states

    Group Photo

    atomic states  

    Picture Gallery

      The gallery depicts some highlights of the Symposium. The 260 pictures stem from Brigitte Koch-Pelster and Heidi Müller-Henicz as well as partially also from Row Hashemiyoon.


      The Proceedings of the Symposium will be published by Springer. Invited speakers will contribute 10 to 16 pages, a poster description can amount up to 6 pages. The authors should take into account the following information:

  • The author guidelines of Springer document how a paper should be structured and how elements (headings, figures, references) should be formatted using predefined styles.
  • Springer recommends the use of LaTeX2e for the preparation of the manuscript. Please download the file which contains the Springer class file together with a documentation and a sample input file.
  • We also provide the LaTeX2e source file of the instructions for authors which may serve as a further sample input.
  • Each contribution must be accompanied by a Springer copyright form, a so-called 'Consent to Publish' form.
  • The deadline for submitting the final sources including any non-standard fonts and figure files, a final pdf corresponding exactly to the final sources as well as the signed copyright form to is January 31, 2013.



  • A press release (in German), which announces the Symposium and explains its scope, was published by the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK) on October 8, 2012.

  • Younger scientists are encouraged to present posters during two sessions. Furthermore, the posters will be on display throughout the entire Symposium and, therefore, can be discussed also during the coffee breaks.

  • There will be a registration fee of 120 EUR for senior scientists and 70 EUR for younger scientists. Lodging and meals will be covered due to support of both the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (Institute for Advanced Study, HWK) and the Volkswagen Foundation.

  • The registration forms are available for both participants and speakers. The deadline for registration is November 1, 2012.

  • Scientific Organizers

    Axel Pelster
    Lehmkuhlenbusch 4
    22753 Delmenhorst, Germany
    axel.pelster ad   
    phone: 0049-4221-9160-207
    fax: 0049-4221-9160-179

    Günter Wunner
    Fachbereich Physik
    Universität Stuttgart
    Pfaffenwaldring 57
    70550 Stuttgart, Germany
    guenter.wunner ad
    phone: 0049 711 685 64992
    fax: 0049 711 685 64909