Hans Hansson (Stockholm, Sweden):
Non-abelian quantum statistics
Václav Zatloukal (Berlin, Germany):
Basic properties of anyons
Avinash Khare (Pune, India):
Quantum statistics of anyons:
Lecture 1,
Lecture 2,
Lecture 3
Some open problems related with non-interacting anyon gas
Bakhodir Abdullaev (Tashkent, Uzbekistan):
Ground-state energy of charged anyon gases
Susanne Viefers (Oslo, Norway):
Quantum Hall physics in rotating Bose-Einstein condensates
Marco Roncaglia (Torino, Italy):
Anyons in 1D optical lattices
André Eckardt (Dresden, Germany):
Dynamical generation of gauge fields in 2D optical lattices
Jiannis Pachos (Leeds, UK):
Introduction to topological quantum computation:
Lecture 1,
Lecture 2,
Lecture 3A,
Lecture 3B
The scientific program is available here.
The International School will last from Tuesday, September 24 at 9.00 until Saturday, September 28 at 12.00 .
Both students and researchers are encouraged to attend the International School. However, financial support is exclusively restricted to
the invited speakers. If you are interested in participating, please send an email to axel.pelster ad physik.uni-kl.de until the
deadline September 15, 2013.
Picture Gallery
The gallery depicts some highlights of the Symposium. The 100 pictures stem
from Davron Abdullaev, Brigitte Koch-Pelster, and Branko Nikolic.
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