Building and Installing the SDK: 1. Download latest snapshot: 2. Copy arm-gcc-compiler from earlier SDK to /usr/local/arm-linux 3. add to PATH: /usr/local/arm-linux/bin 4. mkdir -p /opt/toolchains/greenphone/gcc-4.1.1-glibc-2.3.6/arm-linux 5. cd /opt/toolchains/greenphone/gcc-4.1.1-glibc-2.3.6/arm-linux && ln -s /usr/local/arm-linux arm-linux 6. cd /path/where/snapshot/is 7. tar xzf qtopia-opensource-src-4.x.x-snapshot-200xxxxx.tar.gz 8. mkdir build 9. cd build 10. ../qtopia-opensource-src-4.x.x-snapshot-200xxxxx/configure -device greenphone -no-bluetooth 11. make && make install Creating and installing a new flash-image (connect your Greenphone prior to the PC): 1. ifconfig usb0 netmask broadcast up 2. scripts/ --qtopia --qtopia-build image/ 3. scripts/greenphone-sdk/scripts/updatedevice qtopia-greenphone-update.tar.gz 4. the Greenphone should reboot after this and voila