For the first time, higher harmonic susceptibilities chin(T) are measured for ultrathin film ferromagnets. They give rise to a independent determination of the Curie temperature TC. Moreover, it is possible to separate para- and ferromagnetic parts of the ac susceptibility close to TC resulting in a more accurate critical analysis. In general, the magnetic response on an oscillatory magnetic field H(t)=H0cos(w0t) in the vicinity of TC can be divided into para- and a ferromagnetic contributions. This is shown schematically in Fig.5. Above the Curie temperature M(H) follows the well-known Brillouin function as shown in Fig.5(a). In comparison to H(t) the time-dependent response M(t) is also a continuous sinusoidal function in phase with the external field (Fig.5(b)). Below TC, hysteresis effects are obserbed (Fig.5(d)) and M(t) follows a discontinous square function out of phase with H(t). Such a square function can be expressed as a sum over odd higher harmonics of the ground frequency w0. Therefore, measurements of the temperature-dependent ac susceptibility at multiples of w can be used to determine the hysteresis temperature-dependent in the vicinity of TC which is not easily possible using conventional magnetometry. This was done up to w=19w0 for a (Fe2/V5)50 superlattice in a field of amplitude H0=0.8 Oe. The results are shown in Fig.6. Solid lines represent the real-, dahed lines the imaginary parts of the higher harmonics chin(T). As mentioned in the upper paragraph, TC is the temperature of the onset of absorption in chi1(T). The chin(T) exhibit (n+1)/2 extrema and (n+3)/2 zeros. The amplitudes of chin(T) scale with 1/n as indicated by the magnification factors. In addition, theoretical calculations in the framework of a mean-field theory were performed (not shown here, see. [Ref. 294]).


Figs.7(a) and (b) show the results, M(H) and M(t), of calculating the Fourier sum of all measured chin(T) as a function of temperature t=T/TC. For clarification only an assortment of curves are shown. Due to the high temperature resolution of our MI setup, we are able to determine nearly 200 hysteresis loops in a temperature range of  4% around TC. For T<TC, nearly square-like hysteresis loops are observed close to the Curie temperature tilting into the plane at TC. The saturation magnetization MS(T) as well as the coercive field HC(T) vanish for T->TC as expected. The temperature dependence of both quantities MS(T) and HC(T) can be extracted from Fig.7(b). A second independent determination of the Curie temperature is therfore given by the temperature where HC(T) vanishes.


The separation of para-(short-dashed) and ferromagnetic contributions (long-dashed) of chin(T) is shown in Fig.8(a) for theoretical calculations within a mean-field theory (P.J. Jensen) and in (b) for the experimental data of chi'1(T). The ferromagnetic part is extracted fitting the curves in Fig.7(b) by an ideal square-like hysteresis loop M(H). The paramagnetic part is then given by the difference of both quantities. Obviously, such an analysis of ac susceptibility data is able to yield a more accurate value for the critical exponent gamma of the paramagnetic susceptibility due to the following reasons: (i) TC is determined twice independently through the onset of the imaginary part chi''1(T) and the temperature where HC(T) vanishes; this results in (ii) a more trustworthy value for gamma which in addition can be determined on both sides of the phase transition through the separation of ferro- and paramagnetic parts of chi(T).


(last update: 13.10.2003)