List of publications Refs. [1-199]

* Invited talks


1.             K. Baberschke, W. Rhein, G. Klein, R. Valentin
Elektronen-Kern Doppelresonanz Messungen an 53Cr in Al2O3
Z. Angew. Phys. 25, 265 (1968)

2.             K. Baberschke, S. Reich, E. Dormann
ESR study of cadmium boracites doped with nickel
Phys. Stat. Sol. 39, 139 (1970)

3.             K. Baberschke
ENDOR studies of Eu2+ in SrF2 and CdF2
Proc. of XVIth Colloque Ampere "Magnetic Resonances and Related Phenomena",
Bukarest, 1970 (ed. by I. Ursu) p. 1090

4.             K. Baberschke
Change of ligand-hyperfine structure in Eu2+-doped CaF2 type crystals
Phys. Lett. 34A, 41 (1971)

5.             R. Valentin, H. Luft, K. Baberschke
Hyperfine and transferred hyperfine interaction of Cr3+ in YAl and LuAl garnets
Stat. Sol. (b)48, 763 (1971)

6.             K. Baberschke
Change of hyperfine and transferred hyperfine interaction of Eu+ in CdF2, SrF2 and BaF2
Z. Phys. 252, 65 (1972)

7.             G. Koopmann, U. Engel, K. Baberschke, S. Hüfner
ESR in EuxLa1-xAl2 and GdxLa1-xAl2
Solid State Comm. 11, 1197 (1972)

8.             G. Koopmann, U. Engel, S. Hüfner, K. Baberschke
Observation of the spin resonance of iron in a metallic host
Physics Letters 45A, 173 (1973)

9.             U. Engel, K. Baberschke, G. Koopmann, S. Hüfner
Local moment spin resonance in superconductors
Solid State Comm. 12, 977 (1973)

10.         D. Davidov, C. Rettori, K. Baberschke, E.P. Chock, R. Orbach
Correlation between electron spin resonance and superconductivity in GdxB1-xRu2 (B=Th, Ce, La)
Phys. Lett. 45A, 161 (1973)

11.         D. Davidov, C. Rettori, K. Baberschke, R. Orbach
Re-entrant critical field behavior in GdxTh1-x Ru2: correlation with EPR
Phys. Lett. 45A, 163 (1973)

12.         K. Baberschke, U. Engel, G. Koopmann, S. Hüfner
Electron spin resonance of Gd in CexLa1-xRu2
Proc. of the 18th Conf. on Magn. and Mag. Mat., Boston, 1973, p. 984

13.         *K. Baberschke
Effects of the excited crystalline field states in the ESR of Er: Au
Arch. Sc. Geneve 27, 209 (1974)

14.         D. Davidov, C. Rettori, A. Dixon, K. Baberschke, E.P. Chock, R. Orbach
Crystalline-field effects in the electron-spin resonance of rare earths in the noble metals
Phys. Rev. B 8, 3563 (1973)

15.         U. Engel, K. Baberschke, G. Koopmann, S. Hüfner, M. Wilhelm
Local moment spin resonance in a superconductor
Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Magnetism, Moscow (1974), p. 415

16.         A.C. Lawson, K. Baberschke, U. Engel
Low temperature lattice transformations of LaRu2
Phys. Letters 48A, 107 (1974)

17.         K. Baberschke, U. Engel, S. Hüfner
Field dependence of the ESR "g-shift" in superconductors
Solid State Comm. 15, 1101 (1974)

18.         A.C. Lawson, U. Engel, K. Baberschke
Normal state electrical resistance behavior and superconducting transition temperature in (La,Ce)Ru2 alloys
Phys. Letters 49A, 373 (1974)

19.         G. Koopmann, K. Baberschke, S. Hüfner
Spin resonance of Gd in fcc La-metal
Phys. Letters 50A, 407 (1975)

20.         H.E. Hoenig, K. Baberschke, W. Schrittenlacher
Superconducting properties of LaOs2
Solid State Comm. 16, 341 (1975)

21.         W. Schrittenlacher, K. Baberschke, G. Koopmann, S. Hüfner
Spin resonance of Gd in LaOs2
Solid State Comm. 16, 923 (1975)
and K. Baberschke, W. Schrittenlacher, U. Engel
ESR experiments on Gd in the superconducting state of Ce Ru2 and LaOs2
Proc. of the 18th Ampere Congress, Nottingham, 1974, p. 347

22.         D. Davidov, K. Baberschke
ESR study of Gd in TmSb: determination of the host excited crystalline field splitting levels
Phys. Letters 51A, 144 (1975)

23.         U. Engel, K. Baberschke, G. Koopmann
Electron spin resonance and susceptibility in the superconductor LaxCe1-xRu2
Proc. of the 18th Ampere Congress, Nottingham, 1974, p. 311

24.         G. Koopmann, K. Baberschke, U. Engel
Electron spin resonance of Gd S-state ions in La and LaAl2
Proc. of the 18th Ampere Congress, Nottingham, 1974, p. 321

25.         K. Baberschke, J. Nagel
Paramagnetic resonance of Gd in Lu single crystals
Phys. Rev. B13, 2793 (1976)

26.         K. Baberschke, D. Davidov, C. Rettori
On the crystalline field of rare-earth ions in metallic pnictides
Proc. of the Low Temperature Conf. Vol. 3, p. 484, Helsinki, 1975

27.         D. Davidov, V. Zevin, R. Levin, D. Shaltiel, K. Baberschke
The fluctuation spectra in weakly coupled Van-Vleck paramagnets: Some theoretical and experimental aspects
Phys. Rev. B 15, 2771 (1977)

28.         H. Arend, K. Tichy, K. Baberschke, F. Rys
Chloride perovskite layer compounds of /NH3-(CH2)-NH3/MnCl4 formula
Solid State Comm. 18, 999 (1976) and
F. Rys, K. Baberschke
Magnetische Suszeptibilität in antiferromagnetischen Schichtstrukturen
Helv. Phys. Acta 48, 438 (1975)

29.         *K. Baberschke
Electron spin resonance in superconducting materials
Z. Physik B 24, 53 (1976) and German Physics Society, March meeting 1976

30.         J. Nagel, K. Baberschke
EPR of Gd3+ in Lu and Sc single crystals
Proc. of II. Int. Conf. on Crystal Field Effects in Metals and Alloys
Zürich, p. 66 (1976)

31.         K. Baberschke, F. Rys, H. Arendt
Magnetization Measurements on Quasi-Twodimensional Spin Systems (CH2)n

Physica 86-88B, 685 (1977)

32.         G. Koopmann, K. Baberschke, S. Hüfner
ESR of Eu and Gd in fcc La-metal: Correlation with superconducting properties
Physica 86-88B, 509 (1977)

33.         V. Zevin, D. Davidov, R. Levin, D. Shaltiel, K. Baberschke
ESR of impurity as a probe for the host exchange interaction in Tm Van-Vleck compounds
Proc. II. Int. Conf. on crystal field effects in metals and alloys, Zürich 1976, p. 61

34.         D. Shaltiel, K. Baberschke, N. Nagel, G. Koopmann
Paramagnetic Resonance of Gd in Single Crystals of Pd in the Very Dilute Limit and at High Microwave Frequency
Phys. Rev. B 16, 3262 (1977)

35.         D. Davidov, K. Baberschke, J. Mydosh, G.J. Nieuwenhuys
Coexistence of Superconductivity and Spin Glass Magnetic Freezing
J. Phys. F. Metal Phys. 7, L 47 (1977)

36.         V. Zevin, D. Davidov, R. Levin, D. Shaltiel, K. Baberschke
Relaxation phenomena and host exchange parameters in Tm van Vleck compounds
J. Phys. F: Metal Phys. 7, 2193 (1977)

37.         R.N. Shelton, A.C. Lawson, K. Baberschke
Superconducting Transition Temperature, its Pressure Dependence and Structural Transformation in (La,Ce)Ru2 Alloys
Sol. Stat. Comm. 24, 465 (1977)

38.         K. Baberschke, H.J. Jenrich, J. Nagel
Crystal Field and Relaxation Rates of Gd3+ and Eu2+ in LaAl2 Single Crystals
Conference on Rare Earths and Actinides, Durham, Great Britain (1977)

39.         S.E. Barnes, K. Baberschke, M. Hardiman
Anomalous Crystal Field Splittings of Lanthanide S-States in Metals
Phys. Rev. B 18, 2409 (1978)

40.         K. Baberschke, Y. v. Spalden
Comment on Crystal Field Splitting of the Localized Gd3+ Moment in Au Single Crystals
Phys. Rev. B 19, 5933 (1979)

41.         K. Baberschke, B. Bachor, H. Luft
Observation of the Er3+ G8 Groundstate ESR-Resonance in YAl2 Single Crystals
Journal de Physique, Colloque C5, 51 (1979)

42.         J. Nagel, K. Baberschke, E. Tsang
ESR of Er3+ and Yb3+ in Gold between 100 mK and 1 K
J. Magn. Mag. Mat. 15-18, 730 (1980)

43.         K. Baberschke, S.E. Barnes, B. Bachor
ESR of Eu2+: LaAl2 Single Crystals: Crystal Fields and the Effective Exchange Interaction
J. Magn. Mag. Mat. 15-18, 733 (1980), and Phys. Rev. B21, 2666 (1980)

44.         J. Bruss, K. Baberschke, M. Loewenhaupt, H. Scheuer
Magnetic Properties of (ErxY1-x)Al2: Magnetic Measurements and Neutron Diffraction Data
Solid State Comm. 32, 135 (1979)

45.         M. Loewenhaupt, K. Baberschke, H. Scheuer
Crystal Field Splitting of ExY1-xAl2: Inelastic Neutron Scattering
Solid State Comm. 33, 175 (1980)

46.         E. Tsang, K. Baberschke, J. Kästner, B. Beaudry
Reverse Resistance Anomaly and Negative Magnetoresistance in Dilute Y:Gd and Sc:Gd
Z. Physik B 38, 235 (1980)

47.         Y. v. Spalden, K. Baberschke
Analysis of the Residual Electron-Paramagnetic Resonance Linewidth of Au: Er
J. Magn. and Magn. Mat. 23, 183 (1981)

48.         K. Baberschke, E. Tsang
The Kondo-Effect on the Paramagnetic Resonance of Dilute Au:Yb
Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 1512 (1980)

49.         H. Luft, K. Baberschke
Crystal Field Splitting of Gd3+ in the Superconducting State of LaOs2
J. Appl. Phys. 52, 2095 (1981)

50.         E. Tsang, K. Baberschke
Kondo-Effect on the Resistivity of Au:Gd and on the ESR of Au:Yb
J. Appl. Phys. 52, 2208 (1981)

51.         M. Zomack, K. Baberschke
Frequency Dependent ESR of the Spin Glass Gd.06La.94 Al2
Physica 108 B+C, 799 (1981)

52.         Y.v. Spalden, K. Baberschke
Combination of a 3He/4He Dilution Refrigerator and an ESR Spectrometer
Physica 107 B+C, 599 (1981)

53.         J.B. Boyce, K. Baberschke
EXAFS study of the local Gd environment in the magnetic superconductor (La1-xGdx)Os2
Solid State Comm. 39, 781 (1981)

54.         J. Stöhr, K. Baberschke, R. Jaeger, R. Treichler, and S. Brennan
Orientation of chemisorbed molecules from surface adsorption fine structure measurements: CO and NO on Ni(100)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 47, 381 (1981)

55.         R. Jaeger, J. Stöhr, R. Treichler, and K. Baberschke
Photon stimulated desorption due to multi-electron exciations in chemisorbed molecules: CO on Ni(100)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 47, 1301 (1981)

56.         *K. Baberschke
Crystal electric field effects in the ESR of dilute alloys
Proc. 4th Int. CEF Conf., Wroclaw, Poland 1981, Plenum Pub. Corp.,
New York, 1982, p. 10

57.         H. Luft, K. Baberschke, K. Winzer
Exchange interaction and crystal field splitting of (La, Gd)B6 single crystals
Z. Phys. B47, 195 (1982)

58.         Felner, I. Novik, K. Baberschke, G.J. Nieuwenhuys
Usual ferrimagnetism in RFe5Al7(R=Rare Earth)
Solid State Comm. 44, 691 (1982)

59.         Fert, P. Pureur, F. Hippert, K. Baberschke, F. Bruss
Anisotropic rare earth spin glasses
Phys. Rev. B. Rap. Comm. 26, 5300 (1982)

60.         F.R. Hoekstra, K. Baberschke, M. Zomack, J. Mydosh
Low frequency ESR in the spin-glass Cu:Mn: Lineshape and temperature dependence
Solid State Comm. 43, 109 (1982)

61.         S.E. Barnes, K. Baberschke, J. Nagel
An ESR study of the dynamics of local moments and conduction electrons ScGd single crystals
J. Phys. F13, 347 (1983)

62.         M. Zomack, K. Baberschke, S.E. Barnes
Magnetic resonance in the spinglass (La,Gd)Al2
Phys. Rev. B27, 4135 (1983)

63.         K. Bures, S.E. Barnes, K. Baberschke
Experimental investigation of the magnetic behavior of SNS Josephson junctions
J. Appl. Phys. 54, 7073 (1983)

64.         Y. v. Spalden, E. Tsang, P. Schlottmann, K. Baberschke
ESR study of the Kondo effect in Au:171Yb and Au:174Yb
Phys. Rev. B28, 24 (1983)

65.         H. Luft, K. Baberschke, K. Winzer
G6-Groundstate Resonance in (LaEr)B6 single crystals
Phys. Letters 95A, 186 (1983)

66.         U. Döbler, K. Baberschke, S.E. Barnes
G8(3) resonance in ESR of (ErY)Al2 single crystals
Phys. Rev. B27, 6593 (1983)

67.         R. Wendler, K. Baberschke
The H-T phase diagram of the Y:Er spinglass
Sol. St. Com. 48, 91 (1983)

68.         F.R. Hoekstra, G.J. Nieuwenhuys, K. Baberschke, S.E. Barnes
ESR and magnetization of the spin glass CuMn at low concentrations
Phys. Rev. B29, 1292 (1984)

69.         *K. Baberschke, P. Pureur, A. Fert, R. Wendler, S. Senoussi
Rare Earth Spin Glasses with Uniaxial Anisotropy
Phys. Rev. B29, 4999 (1984)
and German Physics Soc. March meeting (1984)

70.         R. Wendler, P. Pureur, A. Fert, K. Baberschke
Magnetic properties of Gd doped Y and Sc single crystals
J. Mag. Magn. Mat. 44, 185 (1984)

71.         U. Döbler, K. Baberschke, J. Haase, A. Puschmann
Azimuthal- and Polar-Angle-Dependent Surface Extended X-ray-Adsorption Fine Structure Study: (2x1) O on Cu(110)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 52, 1437 (1984)

72.         *K. Baberschke, K.D. Bures, S.E. Barnes
ESR in situ with a Josephson tunnel junction
Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 98 (1984) and
XXII Congress Ampere, Zürich (1984), p. 271

73.         K.D. Bures, K. Baberschke, S.E. Barnes
ESR Spectroscopy in SNS Josephson Junctions
Proc. LT 17, p. 827 (1984)

74.         U. Döbler, K. Baberschke, J. Haase, A. Puschmann
Azimuthal and Polar Angle Dependent SEXAFS of (2x1) O and N2O on Cu(110)
Proc. ECOSS-6 April 1984, Surf. Sci. 152/153, 569 (1985)

75.         U. Döbler, K. Baberschke, J. Stöhr, D.A. Outka
Structure of c(2x2) oxygen on Cu(100): A SEXAFS study
Phys. Rev. Rap. Comm. B31, 2532 (1985)

76.         K. Baberschke, C. Pappa, H. Mahdjour, R. Wendler
Field dependent critical fluctuations above Tg in the ESR line-width of the spin glass AgMn
ICM '85, J. Mag. Mag. Mat. 54-57, 179 (1986)

77.         *K.D. Bures, K. Baberschke
Alteration of magnetic field dependence for voltage biased SNS Josephson junctions
and K. Baberschke, K.D. Bures
ESR in situ with a Josephson tunnel junction
3. Int. Conf. SQUID Berlin, Eds.
Hahlbohm & Lübbig 1985, p. 1177 & 59

78.         M. Farle, M. Zomack, K. Baberschke
ESR of adsorbates on single crystal metal surfaces under UHV conditions
Surf. Sci. 160, 205 (1985)

79.         H. Mahdjour, C. Pappa, R. Wendler, K. Baberschke
Field Dependent Critical Fluctuations above Tg in the ESR Line Width of the Spin Glass AgMn
Z. f. Physik, B63, 351 (1986)

80.         *K.D. Bures, K. Baberschke, S.E. Barnes
ESR in situ with a Josephson tunnel junction
ICM '85, J. Mag. Mag. 54-57, 1415 (1986)

81.         H. Mahdjour, W.G. Clark, K. Baberschke
High sensitivity broadband microwave spectroscopy with small nonresonant coils
Rev. Sc. Inst. 57, 1100 (1986)

82.         K. Baberschke, U. Döbler, L. Wenzel, D. Arvanitis, A. Baratoff, K.H. Rieder
The local bonding geometry of O(2x1) on Ni(110): A surface extended X-ray adsorption fine-structure study
Phys. Rev. B Rap. Comm. 33, 5910 (1986)

83.         M. Zomack, K. Baberschke
Electron Spin Resonance study on NO2 adsorbed on Kr/Ag(110) at 20 K
ECOSS 8, Surf. Sci. 178, 618 (1986)

84.         D. Arvanitis, U. Döbler, L. Wenzel, K. Baberschke, J. Stöhr
Position of the s shape and p resonances of C2H2, C2H4 and C2H6 on Cu(100) at 60 K: a NEXAFS study
ECOSS 8, Surf. Sci. 178, 686 (1986)

85.         D.A. Fischer, U. Döbler, D. Arvanitis, L. Wenzel, K. Baberschke, J. Stöhr
Carbon K edge structure of chemisorbed molecules by means of fluorescence detection
Surf. Sci. 177, 114 (1986)

86.         U. Döbler, K. Baberschke, D.D. Vvendensky, J.B. Pendry
X-ray adsorption near-edge structure of adsorbate-induced reconstruction: (2x1)O on Cu(110)
ECOSS 8, Surf. Sci. 178, 679 (1986)

87.         *K. Baberschke, M. Zomack, M. Farle
Magnetic resonance on monolayers in ultrahigh vacuum
Int. workshop on the mag. properties of low dimensional systems
Mexico, Springer Proceedings in Physics 14, 84 (1986)

88.         *U. Döbler, L. Wenzel, D. Arvanitis, K. Baberschke
SEXAFS study on (2x1) oxygen on Ni(110)
IV. Int. Conf. on EXAFS and Near Edge Structure
Journal de Physique, C8, 173 (1986)

89.         D. Arvanitis, U. Döbler, L. Wenzel, K. Baberschke, J. Stöhr
A new technique for submonolayer NEXAFS: fluorescence yield at the carbon K edge
IV. Int. Conference on EXAFS and Near Edge Structure
Journal de Physique, C8, 473 (1986)

90.         D. Arvanitis, K. Baberschke, L. Wenzel, U. Döbler
Experimental Study of the Chemisorbed State of C2H2, C2H4 and C2H6 on
Noble-Metal Surfaces

Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 3175 (1986)

91.         R. Wendler, C. Pappa, C. Eckart, K. Baberschke
The frequency dependence of the A.C. susceptibility of rare earth doped scandium spin glasses
J. Physics C, 20, 2759 (1987)

92.         D.D. Vvendensky, J.B. Pendry, U. Döbler, K. Baberschke
Quantitative multiple scattering analysis of near-edge X-ray-adsorption fine-structure: c(2x2)O on Cu(100)
Phys. Rev. B 35, Rap. Comm., 7756 (1987)

93.         *M. Farle, K. Baberschke
Ferromagnetic Order and the Critical Exponent g for a Gd Monolayer.  An ESR-study
Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 511 (1987) and Appl. Phys. A44, 13 (1987)

94.         J. Stöhr and D.A. Outka, K. Baberschke and D. Arvanitis, J.A. Horsley
Identification of C-H resonances in the K-shell excitation spectra of gas-phase, chemisorbed and polymeric hydrocarbons
Phys. Rev. B36 Rap. Comm., 2976 (1987)

95.         M. Zomack and K. Baberschke
Submonolayers of paramagnetic NO2 adsorbed on argon and xenon films
Phys. Rev. B 36 Rap. Comm., 36, 5756 (1987)

96.         L. Wenzel, D. Arvanitis, W. Daum, H.H. Rotermund, J. Stöhr, K. Baberschke, H. Ibach
Structural determination of an adsorbate-induced surface reconstruction: p4g(2x2)N versus c(2x2)O on Ni(100)
Phys. Rev. B Rap. Comm., 36, 7689 (1987)

97.         *K. Baberschke
Surface EXAFS on low Z elements
II. Int. Conf. on the structure of surfaces, Amsterdam, June 1987
Springer Series of Surface Sciences, vol. 11, p. 174 (1988)

98.         H. Coufal, J. Stöhr, K. Baberschke
X-ray absorption spectroscopy of thin films with a pyroelectric thermal wave detector
Int. Conf. on Photoacoustic, Heidelberg 1987 Springer Series of Optical
Sciences 58, 25 (1988)

99.         *M. Farle, A. Berghaus, K. Baberschke
Magnetic anisotropy of Gd(0001)/W(110) monolayers
Phys. Rev. B 39, Rap. Comm. 4838 (1989) and
K. Baberschke
Magnetic order of Gd Monolayers on W(110)
Workshop on the Magnetism of Surfaces, Laguna Beach, California, 1987

100.     J.G. Perez-Ramirez, K. Baberschke, W.G. Clark
Meissner Effect, Critical Fields, and Superconducting Parameters of YBa2Cu3O7-d
Solid State Comm. 65, 845 (1988)

101.     D. Arvanitis, L. Wenzel, K. Baberschke
Direct Evidence of a Stretched C-C Distance for C2H2 and C2H4 on Cu(100) at 60 K
Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 2435 (1987)

102.     D. Arvanitis, K. Baberschke, L. Wenzel
Multiple Scattering Effects in Low Z SEXAFS
Phys. Rev. B37 Rap. Comm. 7143 (1988) and
5th Int. Conf. XAFS V, Seattle, USA, August 1988, Physica B 158, 651 (1989)
L. Wenzel, J. Stöhr, D. Arvanitis, K. Baberschke
Vibrational Anisotropy and Anharmonicity of N Atoms Bonded to Ni(100)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 2327 (1988)

103.     D. Arvanitis, L. Wenzel, K. Baberschke
Carbon-carbon EXAFS for chemisorbed hydrocarbons on a metal substrate
5th Int. Conf. XAFS V, Seattle, USA, August 1988, Physica B 158, 649 (1989)

104.     *K. Baberschke
Recent Progress in Low Z SEXAFS
5th Int. Conf. XAFS V, Seattle, USA, August 1988, Physica B 158, 19 (1989)

105.     D.D. Vvendensky, L. Wenzel, D. Arvanitis, K. Baberschke, U. Döbler
Adsorbate-Induced Reconstruction on Transition-Metal and Noble-Metal Surfaces
Physica B158, 634 (1989)

106.     D. Arvanitis, H. Rabus, L. Wenzel, K. Baberschke
Intramolecular resonances after K-shell excitation of C2H2n adsorbed on Ag and
Cu(100) surfaces
Z. Phys. D 11, 219 (1989)

107.     L. Wenzel, D. Arvanitis, R. Schlögl, M. Muhler, D. Norman, K. Baberschke, G. Ertl
Rydberg and multiple-electron excitations of N2 adsorbed on Fe(111): in X-ray photoabsorption spectra
Phys. Rev. B40, 6409 (1989) and Physica Scripta 41, 1028 (1990)

108.     Berghaus, M. Farle, Yi Li, K. Baberschke
Absolute determ. of the mag. anisotropy of ultrathin Gd and Ni/W(110)
Second Intern. Workshop on the Magnetic Properties of Low-Dimensional Systems
San Luis Potosi, Mexico, Proc. in Physics 50, 61 (1989)

109.     H.L. Meyerheim, U. Döbler, A. Puschmann, K. Baberschke
LII Edge Spectroscopy on MoSix Layers
Surface Science 211/212, 641 (1989)

110.     H. Rabus, D. Arvanitis, L. Wenzel, K. Baberschke
Quantitative analysis of the NEXAFS for chemisorbed C2H4 molecules
VUV 9 Proceedings, Physica Scripta 41, 846 (1990)

111.     H. Rabus, D. Arvanitis, M. Domke, A. Puschmann, L. Wenzel, G. Comelli, G. Kaindl, K. Baberschke
The effect of chemisorption on the vibrational fine structure of C2H4 molecules in the (1s-1,p*) state
VUV 9 Proceedings, Physica Scripta T 31, 131 (1990)

112.     L. Tröger, D. Arvanitis, H. Rabus, L. Wenzel, K. Baberschke  
Comparative study of fluorescence- and electron-yield detection on YBa2Cu3O7-d  at the O K edge through X-ray adsorption
Phys. Rev. B 41, Rap. Comm. 7297 (1990)

113.     Yi Li, M. Farle, K. Baberschke 
Critical spin fluctuations and Curie temperatures of ultrathin Ni(111)/W(110): a magnetic-resonance study in ultrahigh vacuum
Phys. Rev. B 41, Rap. Comm. 9596 (1990)

114.     *L. Wenzel, D. Arvanitis, H. Rabus, T. Lederer, K. Baberschke, G. Comelli
Enhanced Anharmonicity in the Interaction of Low-Z Adsorbates with Metal Surfaces
Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 1765 (1990) and 65, 1521 (1990) and
H. Rabus, D. Arvanitis, T. Lederer, K. Baberschke
Enhanced Anharmonicity on the Low-Z Adsorbate-Metal Surface Interaction
Proc. XAFS VI, p. 193, York 1990, Ed. S. Hasnain, Ellis Horwood, 1991

115.     L. Tröger, D. Arvanitis, H. Rabus, K. Baberschke, B. Stritzker
EXAFS at the oxygen atoms in YBa2Cu3O7: A Ka fluorescence yield study
Proc. XAFS VI, p. 616, York 1990, Ed. S. Hasnain, Ellis Horwood, 1991

116.     *L. Wenzel, D. Arvanitis, K. Baberschke
SEXAFS of 1/2 Monolayer of C,N,O Atoms on Cu and Ni(100) Surfaces
ESF Workshop, Erlangen 24.-25. April 1989, Seite 38

117.     L. Wenzel, D. Arvanitis, H. Rabus, T. Lederer and K. Baberschke
Temperature dependence of the surface EXAFS for O and N on Cu(100) and Ni(100)
Conf. Proceedings Vol. 25, 2nd European Conf. on Progress in X-Ray Synchrotron Radiation Research, A. Balerna, E. Bernieri and S. Mobilio, (Eds.) SIF Bologna 25, 505 (1990)

118.     H. Rabus, D. Arvanitis, M. Domke, K. Baberschke
High Resolution x-ray absorption spectroscopy of linear hydrocarbons adsorbed on noble metal surfaces
J. Chem. Phys. 96, 1560 (1992)

119.     M. Farle, A. Berghaus, Yi Li, K. Baberschke
Hard-axis magnetization of ultrathin Ni(111) films on W(110): An experimental method to measure the magneto-optic Kerr effect in ultrahigh vacuum
Phys. Rev. B 42, Rap. Comm., 4873 (1990)

120.     Yi Li, M. Farle, K. Baberschke
Ferromagnetic resonance in ultrathin Ni(111)/W(110)
J. Mag. Mag. Mat. 93, 345 (1991)

121.     D. Arvanitis, H. Rabus, M. Domke, A. Puschmann, G. Comelli, H. Petersen, L. Tröger, T. Lederer, G. Kaindl, K. Baberschke
High Resolution Photoabsorption Spectroscopy at the Carbon K-Edge
J. Appl. Phys. A 49, 393 (1989)

122.     *Yi Li, M. Farle, K. Baberschke
Critical Spin Fluctuations of Ni Monolayers at the Curie temperature: A magnetic resonance study in UHV
J. Appl. Phys. 69, 4992 (1991)

123.     E. Zschech, L. Tröger, D. Arvanitis, H. Michaelis, U. Grimm, K. Baberschke
A Study of the Self-Absorption Effect in the Fluorescence Yield of NiO at the Oxygen K-Edge
Solid State Comm.82, 1 (1992)

124.     M. Farle, A. Berghaus, Yi Li, K. Baberschke
Hard Axis Magnetization of Ultrathin Ni(111)/W(110) in UHV: A New Setup for SMOKE
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 93, 215 (1991)

125.     *Yi Li and K. Baberschke
Anisotropy Energies and Critical Behavior of Ultrathin Ni(111) Films Grown on Smooth and Rough W(110)
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 231, 289 (1992)

126.     *Yi Li and K. Baberschke
Dimensional Crossover in Ultrathin Ni(111) Films on W(110)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 1208 (1992)
and invited talk at APS march meeting 1992

127.     U. Stetter, M. Farle, K. Baberschke, W.G. Clark
Critical behavior of strained epitaxial Gd films: In situ ac-susceptibility measurements in UHV
Phys. Rev. B 45, 503 (1992)

128.     B. Schulz, B. Schliepe, W. Wisny, K. Baberschke
Critical Josephson-Fields and Hc1 of Ceramic Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 and their Relation to the Granular Structure
Solid State Comm. 80, 111 (1991)

129.     H. Rabus, D. Arvanitis, K. Baberschke
The p* resonance and its vibrational broadening of unperturbed and adsorbed C2H4 molecules
Surf. Sci. 269/270, 270 (1992)

130.     D. Arvanitis, J. Singh, H. Rabus, T. Lederer, K. Baberschke
Core-level spectroscopy of physisorbed ethylene: symmetry of electronic excitations and molecular orientations
Phys. Rev. B 45, 1518 (1992)

131.     U. Stetter, A. Aspelmeier, K. Baberschke
The initial ac susceptibility of Gd/W(110) films in UHV: a new method to investigate magnetism in ultrathin films
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 117, 183 (1992)

132.     L. Tröger, D. Arvanitis, K. Baberschke, H. Michaelis, U. Grimm, E. Zschech
Full Correction of the self-Absorption in Soft Fluorescence Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure 
Phys. Rev. B 46, 3283 (1992)  

133.     L. Tröger, D. Arvanitis, J. Röhler, B. Schliepe, K. Baberschke
Anomaly of the Oxygen Local Environment in YBa2Cu3O7 around Tc
Solid State Comm. 79, 479 (1991)

134.     L. Tröger, E. Zschech, D. Arvanitis, K. Baberschke
Quantitative Fluorescence EXAFS Analysis of Concentrated Samples - Correction of the Self-Absorption Effect
Proceedings XAFS VII, Jpn. Jnl. Appl. Phys. 32, 144 (1993)

135.     L. Tröger, D. Arvanitis, J. Rehr, T. Lederer, T. Yokoyama, K. Baberschke, E. Zschech
Improved Distance Determination in Oxygen EXAFS: Soft X-Ray Fluorescence Measurements versus Theoretical Standards
XAFS VII Int. Conf., Jpn. Jnl of Appl. Phys. 32, 137 (1993)

136.     *D. Arvanitis, T. Lederer, G. Comelli, M. Tischer, T. Yokoyama, L. Tröger, K. Baberschke
Bonding on Surfaces: the SEXAFS point of view
XAFS VII Int. Conf., Jpn. Jnl of Appl. Phys. 32, 337 (1993)

137.     D. Arvanitis, H. Rabus, T. Lederer, K. Baberschke
High Resolution Absorption Spectroscopy of Molecular Adsorbates after Core Level Excitation
Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Physics: Proceedings of the 10th VUV conference, p. 347, eds. F.J. Wuillemier, Y. Petroff, I. Nenner, World Scientific, Singapore 1993

138.     F. Gerhardter, Yi Li, K. Baberschke
Temperature-dependent ferromagnetic-resonance study in ultrahigh vacuum: Magnetic anisotropies of thin iron films
Phys. Rev. B 47, 11204 (1993)

139.     D. Arvanitis, T. Yokoyama, T. Lederer, G. Comelli, M. Tischer, K. Baberschke
The Adsorption of O2 Molecules on Cu(100): Evidence for Enhanced Disorder and Anharmonicity
XAFS VII Int. Conf. Jpn. Jnl. of Appl. Phys. 32, 371 (1993)
T. Yokoyama, D. Arvanitis, T. Lederer, G. Comelli, M. Tischer, L. Tröger, K. Baberschke
The Structural and Dynamical Properties of Molecularly Adsorbed O
2 on Cu(100)
ICSOS IV Shanghai August '93

140.     M. Farle, K. Baberschke, U. Stetter, A. Aspelmeier, F. Gerhardter
Thickness-dependent Curie temperature of Gd(0001)/W(110) and its dependence on the growth conditions
Phys. Rev. B. 47, 11571 (1993)

141.     *A. Aspelmeier, U. Stetter, K. Baberschke
Magnetism and structure of Gd monolayers: an AC susceptibility investigation
Magnetism and Structure in Systems of Reduced Dimension, edited by R.F.C. Farrow et al., p. 481 (NATO ASI series. Series B, Physics; vol. 309, 1993)

142.     B. Schliepe, M. Stindtmann, I. Nikolic, K. Baberschke
Positive field-cooled susceptibility in high-Tc-superconductors
Phys. Rev. B 47, 8331 (1993)

143.     B. Schulz, B. Schliepe, W. Wisny and K. Baberschke
Inter- and intragranular irreversibilities in ceramic Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10
Physica C 199, 356 (1992)

144.     Neumann, H. Rabus, D. Arvanitis, T. Solomun, K. Christmann, and K. Baberschke
Alkali-metal-induced bond length contraction of acetonitrile (CH3CN) on Au(100)
Chem. Phys. Lett. 201, 108 (1993)

145.     T. Lederer, D. Arvanitis, M. Tischer, G. Comelli, L. Tröger, K. Baberschke
Structural determination of c(2x2)N/Cu(100): A Multiple Scattering Surface EXAFS Study
Phys. Rev. B 48, 11227 (1993)

146.     C. Dagg, L. Tröger, D. Arvanitis, K. Baberschke
Comparison of low-Z EXAFS Experiment and ab initio Calculations
J. Phys. Cond. Matter 5, 6845 (1993)

147.     D. Arvanitis, G. Comelli, T. Lederer, H. Rabus, K. Baberschke
Characterization of two different adsorption states for O on Cu(100): Ionic versus Covalent bonding
Chem. Phys. Lett. 211, 53 (1993)

148.     T. Lederer, D. Arvanitis, G. Comelli, L. Tröger, K. Baberschke
Adsorption of Oxygen on Cu(100). I. Local Structure and Dynamics for two Atomic Chemisorption States
Phys. Rev. B 48, 15390 (1993)

149.     T. Yokoyama, D. Arvanitis, T. Lederer, M. Tischer, L. Tröger, K. Baberschke, G. Comelli
Adsorption of oxygen on Cu(100). II. Molecular adsorption and dissociation by means of K-edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure
Phys. Rev. B 48, 15405 (1993)

150.     L. Tröger, T. Yokoyama, D. Arvanitis, T. Lederer, M. Tischer, K. Baberschke Determination of bond lengths, atomic mean-square relative displacements and local thermal expansion by means of soft x-ray photoabsorption
Phys. Rev. B 49, 888 (1994)

151.     M. Farle, W.A. Lewis, K. Baberschke
A detailed analysis of the in situ magneto-optic Kerr signal of gadolinium films near the Curie temperature
Appl. Phys. Lett. 62, 2728 (1993)

152.     A. Aspelmeier, F. Gerhardter, K. Baberschke
Magnetism and structure of ultrathin Gd films
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 132, 22 (1994)

153.     M. Tischer, D. Arvanitis, T. Yokoyama, T. Lederer, L. Tröger, K. Baberschke
Temperature dependent MCXD measurements of thin Ni films on Cu(100)
Surf. Sci. 307 - 309, 1096 (1994)

154.     B. Schulz, R. Schwarzwald, K. Baberschke
Magnetic properties of ultrathin Ni/Cu(100) films determined by a UHV-FMR study
Surf. Sci. 307 - 309, 1102 (1994)

155.     M.Tischer, D. Arvanitis, A. Aspelmeier, M. Russo, T. Lederer, K. Baberschke
Local Magnetism of Co Monolayers: A New Type of Magnetic Circular X-ray Dichroism Measurement
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 135, L1 (1994)

156.     B. Schulz and K. Baberschke
Crossover from in-plane to perpendicular magnetization in ultra thin Ni/Cu(001) films
Phys. Rev. B 50, 13 467 (1994)

157.     G. André, A. Aspelmeier, B. Schulz, M. Farle, K. Baberschke
Temperature dependence of surface and volume anisotropy in Gd/W(110)
Surface Science 326, 275 (1995)

158.     L. Tröger, K. Baberschke
Accuracy of ab initio XAFS calculations of light binary compounds at low temperature and 300 K
Physica B 208&209, 111 (1995)

159.     *K. Baberschke
Oxygen on Cu(100): from physisorption to chemically induced reconstruction
Surface Science; Principles and Current Applications,
p. 161; ed.
R.J. MacDonald,
E.C. Taglauer, K.R. Wandelt; Springer (1996)

160.     M. Tischer, D. Arvanitis, A. Aspelmeier, M. Russo, F. May, J. Dunn, K. Baberschke
Local magnetism and element specific susceptibility for Ni/Cu(100)
EVC-4, Uppsala (1994), Vacuum, 46, 1211 (1995)

161.     *B. Schulz, A. Aspelmeier, K. Baberschke
Reorientation of the magnetization and Curie temperature of Ni/Cu(001) ultra thin films
EVC-4, Uppsala (1994), Vacuum, 46, 1189 (1995)

162.     L. Tröger, D. Arvanitis, T. Yokoyama, K. Baberschke
Local dynamics and local thermal expansion around light elements in the bulk and on surfaces
Physica B 208 - 209, 267 (1995)

163.     J. Hunter-Dunn, D. Arvanitis, N. Mårtensson, M. Tischer, F. May, M. Russo, K. Baberschke
An angle dependent MCXD study of Co/Cu(100); experiment versus theory
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 7, 1111 (1995)

164.     A. Aspelmeier, M. Tischer, M. Farle, M. Russo, K. Baberschke, D. Arvanitis
ac susceptibility measurements of magnetic monolayers: MCXD, MOKE, and mutual inductance
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 146, 256 (1995)
A. Aspelmeier, M. Tischer, D. Arvanitis, M. Russo, M. Farle, K. Baberschke
ac MOKE, ac MCXD, and ac susceptibility: a new approach in ultra thin film magnetism
Î-MRS, 14th International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces  (1994)

165.     *D. Arvanitis, M. Tischer, K. Baberschke
Pair potentials in the SEXAFS analysis
Physica B 208 - 209, 431 (1995)

166.     M. Tischer, O. Hjortstam, D. Arvanitis, J. Hunter Dunn, F. May, K. Baberschke, J. Trygg, J.M. Wills, B. Johansson, O. Eriksson
Enhancement of orbital magnetism at surfaces: Co on Cu(100)
Phys. Rev. Lett., 75, 1602 (1995)

167.     M. Farle, B. Schulz, A. Aspelmeier, G. André, K. Baberschke
Different temperature dependencies of magnetic interface and volume anisotropies in Gd/W(110)
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 384, 215 (1995)

168.     M. Ritter, M. Stindtmann, M. Farle, K. Baberschke
Nanostructuring of the Cu(001) surface by ion bombardment: an STM study
Surf. Sci. 348, 243 (1996)

169.     D. Arvanitis, K. Baberschke
Adsorbate-substrate bonding and dynamics as determined by SEXAFS
J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 75, 149 (1995)

170.     D. Arvanitis, M. Tischer, J. Hunter Dunn, F. May, N. Mårtensson, K. Baberschke
Experimental determination of orbital and spin moments from MCXD on 3d metal overlayers and comparison to theory
Lecture Notes Physics: Ed. H. Ebert, G. Schütz
Spin-orbit-influenced spectroscopies of magnetic solids
Springer Verlag, p. 145 (1996)

171.     *K. Baberschke
The magnetism of nickel monolayers
March Meeting DPG, Berlin 1995
Appl. Phys. A 62, 417 (1996)

172.     F. May, M. Tischer, D. Arvanitis, M. Russo, J. Hunter-Dunn, H. Henneken, H. Wende, R. Chauvistré, N. Mårtensson, K. Baberschke
Modifications of the electronic and magnetic properties of ultra thin Ni/Cu (100) films induced by stepwise oxidation
Phys. Rev. B 53, 1076-1079 (1996)
F. May, M. Tischer, D. Arvanitis, J. Hunter-Dunn, H. Henneken, H. Wende, R. Chauvistré and K. Baberschke
Magnetic Coupling of Ni, Cu and Co Bi- and Trilayers Probed by Magnetic Circular X-Ray Dichroism
XAFS IX, August 1996, Grenoble/ J. Phys.
IV France 7 (1997), C2-389 (1997)

173.     H. Wende, D. Arvanitis, M. Tischer, R. Chauvistré, H. Henneken, F. May, K. Baberschke
Bond length and adsorbate vibrations of (2x3) N/Cu(110): a SEXAFS study
Phys. Rev. B 54, 5920-5926 (1996)

174.     S. Müller, B. Schulz, G. Kostka, M. Farle, K. Heinz, K. Baberschke
Pseudomorphic growth of Ni-films on Cu(001): a quantitative LEED analysis
Surf. Sci. 364, 235 (1996)

175.     M. Tischer, P. Srivastava, H. Wende, K. Baberschke, T. Yokoyama, S. Terada, M. Sakano, Y. Kitajima, and T. Ohta
Adsorbate-substrate dynamics for c(2x2)Cl/Ni(100): a SEXAFS study
Surf. Sci. 371, 409 (1997)

176.     M. Farle, B. Mirwald-Schulz, A. Anisimov, W. Platow, and K. Baberschke
Higher order magnetic anisotropies and the nature of the spin reorientation transition in fct Ni(001)/Cu(001)
Phys. Rev. B 55, 3708 (1997)

177.     G. Garreau, M. Farle, E. Beaurepaire, K. Baberschke
Curie temperature and morphology in ultra thin Co/W(110) films
Phys. Rev. B 55, 330 (1997)

178.     H. Wende, D. Arvanitis, M. Tischer, R. Chauvistré, H. Henneken, F. May, and K. Baberschke
Surface Atomic-XAFS for Nitrogen Atoms on Copper
XAFS IX, August 1996, Grenoble/J. Phys.
IV France 7, C2-211 (1997)

179.     *O. Hjortstam, K. Baberschke, J.M. Wills, B. Johansson, and O. Eriksson
Magnetic anisotropy and magnetostriction in tetragonal and cubic Ni
Phys. Rev. B 55, 15026 (1997)
K. Baberschke, M. Farle, A.N. Anisimov, and W. Platow
Magnetic anisotropy energy in ultrathin films
ICMFS, Australia 1997

180.     M. Farle, W. Platow, A. Anisimov, B. Schulz, and K. Baberschke
The temperature dependence of magnetic anisotropy in ultra-thin films
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 165, 74 (1997)

181.     *K. Baberschke, H. Wende, P. Srivastava, and R. Chauvistré
New opportunities in the soft X-ray absorption to characterize the adsorbate bonding
XAFS IX, August 1996, Grenoble/J. Phys.
IV France 7, C2-469 (1997)

182.     F. May, M. Tischer, D. Arvanitis, J. Hunter-Dunn, H. Henneken, H. Wende, R. Chauvistré, and K. Baberschke
Magnetic coupling of Ni, Cu and Co bi- and trilayers probed by magnetic circular X-ray dichroism
XAFS IX, August 1996, Grenoble/J. Phys. IV France 7, C2-389 (1997)

183.     M. Stindtmann, M. Farle, T.S. Rahman, L. Benabid, and K. Baberschke
Growth and morphology of Ni(111)/Re(0001) ultra-thin films: an in-situ study using scanning tunneling microscopy
Surf. Sci. 381, 12 (1997)

184.     *K. Baberschke, M. Farle
Higher order contribution and temperature dependence of the magnetic anisotropy in ultrathin films
41th MMM Conf., Atlanta, Nov 1996, J. Appl. Phys. 81, 5038 (1997)

185.     M. Farle, W. Platow, A.N. Anisimov, P. Poulopoulos, and K. Baberschke
Anomalous reorientation phase transition of the magnetization in fct Ni/Cu(001)
Phys. Rev. B 56, 5100 (1997)
M. Farle, A.N. Anisimov, W. Platow, P. Poulopoulos, and K. Baberschke
Conventional and unconventional spin-reorientation phase transition in thin films
ICMFS, Australia 1997

186.     P. Poulopoulos, P. Isberg, W. Platow, W. Wisny, M. Farle, B. Hjörvarsson, and K. Baberschke
Magnetic anisotropy and exchange coupling in FenVm(001) super lattices on MgO(001)
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 170, 57 (1997)

187.     P. Poulopoulos, M. Farle, U. Bovensiepen, and K. Baberschke
Evidence for domain formation near the Curie temperature in ultrathin Ni/Cu(001) films with perpendicular anisotropy
Phys. Rev. B 55, R 11961 (1997)

188.     A. Bauer, A. Mühlig, T. Günther, M. Farle, K. Baberschke, and G. Kaindl
Morphology and Curie temperature changes upon annealing of Co/W(110)
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 475, 27 (1997)

189.     P. Srivastava, N. Haack, H. Wende, L. Lemke, R. Chauvistré, A. Ney, and K. Baberschke
Modifications of the electronic structure of Ni/Cu(100) films as a function of thickness
Phys. Rev. B. 56, R 4398 (1997)

190.     H. Wende, P. Srivastava, R. Chauvistré, F. May, K. Baberschke, D. Arvanitis and J.J. Rehr
Evidence for photoelectron backscattering by interstitial charge densities
J. Phys. C 9, L 427 (1997)

191.     T. Yokoyama, S. Terada, Y. Okamoto, M. Sakano, T. Ohta, Y. Kitajima, M. Tischer, and K. Baberschke
Coverage dependence of surface structures and vibrations of Cl/Ni(100) studied by Cl K-edge SEXAFS
Surf. Sci. 374, 243 (1997)

192.     L. Lemke, H. Wende P. Srivastava,, R. Chauvistré, N. Haack, K. Baberschke, J. Hunter-Dunn, D. Arvanitis, N. Mårtensson, A. Ankudinov, and J.J. Rehr
Magnetic EXAFS at the L3,2-edges of 3d Elements
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 10, 1917 (1998)

193.     A.N. Anisimov, W. Platow, P. Poulopoulos, W. Wisny, M. Farle, K. Baberschke, P. Isberg, B. Hjörvarsson, and R. Wäppling
The temperature dependent in- and out-of-plane magnetic anisotropies in FenVm(001) superlattices
J. Phys. C 9, 10581 (1997)

194.     F. May, P. Srivastava, M. Farle, U. Bovensiepen, H. Wende, R. Chauvistré, and K. Baberschke
Element specific Curie temperatures of Ni/Cu/Co trilayers
ICM, Australia 1997, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 177-181, 1220 (1998)

195.     P. Poulopoulos, M. Farle, U. Bovensiepen, and K. Baberschke
Evidence for domain formation in ultrathin Ni/Cu(001) near the Curie temperature
ICM Australia 1997, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 177-181, 1225 (1998)

196.     P. Srivastava, F. Wilhelm, A. Ney, N. Haack, H. Wende, and K. Baberschke,
Modifications in the electronic and band structure of 3d single- , bi- and tri-layers on Cu(001)
ECOSS 17, Surf. Sci. 402-404, 818 (1998)

197.     U. Bovensiepen, P. Poulopoulos, M. Farle, and K. Baberschke
The Curie temperature in ultrathin Ni/Cu(001) films determined by ac-susceptibility and MOKE
ECOSS 17, Surf. Sci. 402-404, 396 (1998)

198.     P. Srivastava, L. Lemke, H. Wende, R. Chauvistré, N. Haack, K. Baberschke, J. Hunter-Dunn, D. Arvanitis, N. Mårtensson, A. Ankudinov, and J.J. Rehr
Magnetic EXAFS at the L3,2-edges of Fe on Cu(001)
7th MMM Conference, San Francisco Jan. 1998, J.Appl.Phys. 83, 7025 (1998)

199.     A. N. Anisimov, W. Platow, P. Poulopoulos, M. Farle, K. Baberschke, P. Isberg, P. Granberg and R. Wäppling
Magnetic anisotropies of FenVm(001) superlattices determined by ferromagnetic resonance
7th MMM Conference, San Francisco, Jan. 1998, IEEE Trans.Magn. 34, 873 (1998)

   References no. 200-..


(last update: 05.03.04)