685th WE-Heraeus-Seminar
Bad Honnef, Germany
December 17 - 21, 2018




Research Frontiers

in Ultracold Quantum Gases



Since the first experimental realization of Bose-Einstein condensation in ultracold atomic gases in 1995, there have been several substantial breakthroughs. Today, systems of bosonic or fermionic quantum gases allow for a very high level of experimental control concerning all ingredients of the underlying many-body Hamiltonian. The corresponding trapping geometry can be designed to be harmonic, anharmonic or, recently, even box-like, which mimics a quasi-uniform potential. Furthermore, the shape of the two-particle interaction can be modified from the short-ranged and isotropic contact interaction to the long-ranged and anisotropic dipolar interaction. In particular the possibility to tune the strength of the contact interaction to basically any attractive or repulsive value with the aid of the Feshbach resonances allows nowadays to probe quantum fluids in regimes and under conditions hitherto unavailable. Since 2011 it has even been experimentally achieved to also tune the kinetic energy of the many-body Hamiltonian by producing synthetic spin-orbit coupling. This nourishes the prospect to generate for neutral atoms abelian gauge fields, as they appear in electromagnetism for charged particles, but also non-abelian gauge fields, as they occur in the standard model of elementary particle physics. Therefore, quantum gases are considered to be ideal quantum simulators, that is, they are best capable to simulate difficult quantum problems in condensed matter physics and other fields of physics in the sense of Richard Feynman from 1982.
This seminar, which will bring together about 80 participants in December 2018, will provide a comprehensive survey of the different facets of this rapidly evolving subject. Leading international experts will review the present status of the most promising developments concerning ultracold quantum gases from both the experimental and the theoretical point of view, and will discuss future trends and perspectives. Participants are invited to present their current research in three poster sessions. In addition, 6 outstanding contributions will be selected for shorter talks.
Thus, the seminar will foster the exchange of information in this fast-developing field at the frontier of contemporary physics, and provide ample opportunity for scientific discussions. Similar to the previous workshops

it is also intended to initiate future collaborations amongst the participants.


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Travel Information Bad Honnef



Research Topics

Strong Correlations
Dipolar Quantum Gases
Quantum Information
Photonic Systems
Hybrid Systems
Disorder Effects
Spinor BEC
Degenerate Fermions
BEC/BCS crossover
Spin-Orbit Coupling
Gauge Fields
Vortices and Transport
Simulating Gravity


Invited Speakers


James Anglin

Kaiserslautern, Germany  

Johann Blatter

Zurich, Switzerland  

Joachim Brand

Auckland, New Zealand  

Gretchen Campbell

College Park, USA  

Lauriane Chomaz

Innsbruck, Austria  

Franco Dalfovo

Trento, Italy  

Leonardo Fallani

Florence, Italy  

Christian Groß

Munich, Germany  

Dieter Jaksch

Oxford, United Kingdom  

Selim Jochim

Heidelberg, Germany  

Wolfgang Ketterle

Boston, USA  

Giovanna Morigi

Saarbrücken, Germany  

Silke Ospelkaus

Hannover, Germany  

Tilman Pfau

Stuttgart, Germany  

Arno Rauschenbeutel

Vienna, Austria  

Carsten Robens

Boston, USA  

Laurent Sanchez-Palencia

Palaiseau, France  

Anna Sanpera

Barcelona, Spain  

Yoshiro Takahashi

Kyoto, Japan  

Leticia Tarruell

Barcelona, Spain  

Michael Thorwart

Hamburg, Germany  

Masahito Ueda

Tokyo, Japan  

Martin Weitz

Bonn, Germany  

Michiel Wouters

Antwerpen, Belgium  


Contributed Speakers


Vanderlei Bagnato

Sao Carlos, Brazil  

Uwe Fischer

Seoul, South Korea  

Julian Leonard

Boston, USA  

Philipp Preiss

Heidelberg, Germany  

Richard Schmidt

Munich, Germany  

Emi Yukawa

Saitama, Japan  

Participants joined for a group photograph:



Latest news:

- The 685th WE-Heraeus-Seminar Research Frontiers in Ultracold Quantum Gases will be funded by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation.
- There will be no registration fee for participants. Lodging and meals will be fully covered at the Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef (Germany).
- Students and reseachers, who would like to attend the 685th WE-Heraeus SeminarResearch Frontiers in Ultracold Quantum Gases, should send an informal email to
axel.pelster ad physik.uni-kl.de
until August 31, 2018
In case that you would like to present a poster, please send both title and abstract.
- The accepted participants will be informed by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation shortly after the deadline August 31, 2018.
- Note that the arrival for the 685th WE-Heraeus-Seminar is scheduled on the late afternoon of Sunday, December 16, 2018 as the conference will start on Monday, December 17, 2016 at 8.40 and will end on Friday, December 21, 2018 after lunch time.

- The preliminary program is available here:
program draft from December 3, 2018


The poster for the 685th WE-Heraeus Seminar Research Frontiers in Ultracold Quantum Gases can be downloaded from the homepage.


Scientific Organizers:

Axel Pelster
Fachbereich Physik
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
phone: 0049-631-205-2270
fax: 0049-631-205-3907
Carlos Sa de Melo
School of Physics
Georgia Institute of Technology
837 State Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0430, USA
carlos.sademelo[ad]physics.gatech.edu phone: 001-404-894-5088
fax: 001-404-894-9958
Both organizers:
